Fitbit Aria 2 weight Scale and Withings scale not syncing

Just wandered by for my annual check-in to see if this bug has been fixed. Oh well, will check again next year.


How much do you pay for this scale? I want to buy a new scale, but I don’t know which one to choose. My cousin recommended I choose a smart bathroom scale. He told me it is one of the best scales he has tried in his entire life. First of all, it can help track your progress because it sends all the data collected by your scale directly to your smartphone.

is this ever going to get fixed? if not - can we remove the Withings option from Zwift.


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If you go into your settings the Zwift website, unlink your Withings account and relink it, it’ll grab your current weight, but it won’t do it again until you unlink and relink manually again.

If you scroll up a bit you will see a way to have your withings scale update using the fitbit “hack”

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Yes, but I don’t want to create a Fitbit account to hack my way around a feature that’s built in to Zwift, but Zwift refuses to fix.


This I have done now. But as I said. The withings option should be removed if it doesn’t work / won’t ever get fixed.

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I have the Withings Body Cardio scale. It syncs with my Fitbit App (I don’t have a fitbit scale ONLY the app). Fitbit then syncs to Zwift. After I weigh, I then open Companion app and pull down to refresh, then I open Zwiftpower and select Refresh Profile, and I can see my weight update. I’ve had zero issues with my weight syncing since I bought my withings scale Jan 2022.

I replied to your earlier comment before seeing that you got it figured out :+1:t3::+1:t3:

oops missed it. happy 2 year bug anniversary :smiley:


Appears the link is broken with not just Withings - but even the hack of using Fitbit is broke.

I see my weight isn’t updating again

Mine updated this morning.

Just logged into - and I see the connection to fitbit is disconnected. Reconnected. Whats that all about - not touch it since getting it working…

I am using the hack and my weight updated this morning as well.

Some new information on Withings scales. see: Withings partner connection update [September 2022]


Let me translate that response to remove any confusion. “You’ll never see this feature working again folks”


It appears as though the link to connect them is gone because they’ve tired of us complaining about them not fixing this bug that they’ve introduced. Now that the Fitbit workaround is also broken, this is getting ridiculous. It’s almost like they don’t care about accuracy or honesty in racing.


This is “on brand” for Zwift though. So many features over the years have been added, left to stagnate, then quietly forgotten about or removed once they eventually break.

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I also have this problem. Please fix.

Hi @Pablo_Jomer

Welcome to the forum.

Can you please describe the problem.

I use the Withings scale with the Fitbit workaround.