Hey Zwifters, hot on the heels of our game update yesterday comes an update to our Zwift Companion app. This update should be available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in the next few hours.
Here’s what you’ll find in Zwift Companion version 3.14.
The Tour for All (May 4th-30th)
Track your Progress and sign up for events for the Tour for All via Zwift Companion throughout May.
Meetup Improvements
You can now host meetups all alone in the world of your choosing. Simply select the Meetup-Only View option when creating your meetup and we’ll hide all other Zwifters around you.
You can now set a Zwift Companion reminder when you create or accept a meetup (just like Events).
Creating or accepting a meetup now gives you the ability to add the meetup to your device calendar on iOS (just like Events).
(See all the changes we’ve made to Meetups recently in this post)
Other Changes and Improvements
Updated icons for connected 3rd party fitness platforms when you save your activity from Zwift Companion
Pressing the Send button multiple times quickly for your meetup will not result in multiple notifications for your invitees
If you encounter any issues with this latest update, please let us know in the thread below.
Hi I was racing this am and I was thrown out of race about 12km into it…
Plus yesterday I got to level 15 but this am I was back in 14… please can u fix it… second race this week I’ve been spat out of
… many thanks
Just put together a post about Meetup-Only View, which is going to be a very popular feature, I’m sure!
@Wes: why do we still see “non-Meetup” messaging while in a Meetup-Only View event? Doesn’t that seem a bit odd? Curious if Zwift has plans to remove that…
Other than that one little niggle, it seems to work perfectly. (And I’m glad the chat between Zwifters within Meetups is hidden from everyone else.)
More on the non-Meetup messaging point, @Wes… was just in a Meetup where Meetup-Only View was enabled. There was so much chatter from groups outside of the Meetup, though, that Meetup messages would get buried, unless the message was sent by someone currently visible in your rider list on the right.
So basically, for large Meetups (>14 or so?), hiding non-Meetup messaging seems like a crucial piece of functionality.
Hi everyone, I’m gonna move all the Tour for All issues to the new thread I created for the issue. It’s not related to the Zwift Companion 3.14 release.
Question about drafting in a private meetup: Per the ZwiftInsider article riders outside of the private meetup can see the riders in the meetup. I assume this means that the riders in the outside world can draft the meetup riders? And what about the riders in the private meetup? Will they be drafting the hidden riders in the outside world even though they can’t see them?
It’s the same kind of set up as current group rides (races too?). You can see them and ride with them but you are invisible to them. I doubt they can draft off you because it’s been like that for so long and I’ve never heard of anyone noticing such a thing.
It would be nice to have a third option where non-meetup riders are translucent. This way you can do things like have races between groups using two meetups, but still keep track of your own group.
Rode a meet up this morning and the group rode a flat greater London loop and I rode a different route called London Group. Stayed Green in the list of riders.