Zwift Click issues [ANT dongle]


I purchased a Zwift Hub and the Zwift Click about a month ago, and I’m facing an issue that I can’t resolve.

When I do a session, the Zwift Click randomly stops responding. It can work fine for the first 15 minutes of a ride, but then suddenly stop for about 2 minutes. It no longer responds, and I’m stuck at the same gear for a duration that can range from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. This can happen 15-20 times during a single session.

For your information, I also have my home trainer and a Wahoo Tickr heart rate monitor connected at the same time, and I have no Bluetooth disconnection issues with these two devices.

I have tried various connection setups between Bluetooth and ANT+, but nothing works. Only the Zwift Click continues to behave abnormally, while the rest of my setup works perfectly.

Do you know where the problem might be coming from?

Thank you in advance.

The pixel Cyclist

Hey Fabrice, great to see you again. I don’t know if this is related to your problem but I can tell you that virtual shifting requires Bluetooth and doesn’t work with ANT+, so the first thing I would do is remove the ANT+ dongle and test without it.

Hey Paul. Thanks for your response.

I expressed myself poorly, sorry.

What I meant wasn’t that I connected the zwift click with ant+. What I did was test different combinations with the ANT+ on my HRM and home trainer to see if there could be some interference between the different devices.

I’ve tried these combinations

Zwift click: Bluetooth
Tickr: Bluetooth
KICKR core: Bluetooth

Zwift click: Bluetooth
Tickr: ANT+
KICKR core: Bluetooth

Zwift click: Bluetooth
Tickr: Bluetooth
KICKR core: ANT+

Swift Click: Bluetooth
Tickr: ANT+
KICKR core: ANT+

All these combinations result in the same way.

Trainer and heart rate monitor working fine and the Zwift click going on and off.

You can’t connect the trainer via ANT+ in any way or virtual shifting won’t work so your 3rd and 4th tests were not useful. Pull out the ANT+ dongle and focus on everything with Bluetooth just to be sure. You can connect the Tickr with ANT+ but set that aside for now just to keep everything clear.

Other things you can try are pairing via the Companion app, uploading a log file to to check for Bluetooth dropouts, using a Bluetooth adapter on an extension cable or putting the antenna on an extension cable (depending on what kind of Bluetooth adapter you are using), work on reducing sources of radio interference in your environment, or contact Zwift support and see what they say – they may offer you a replacement shifter.

If Zwiftalizer shows Bluetooth dropouts you could work through the suggestions here:

Thanks Paul, I’ll try that tomorrow and come back for an update!

Hi @Fabrice_Lccq

Shuji at Zwift HQ here. I scanned your server logs and see that you’d unplugged your ANT dongle from the computer on your most recent ride. I trust that cleared up the issues with your Zwift Click, it stayed paired for the whole ride, and shifting was flawless, please confirm?

Hey there @Mere_McKinney welcome to Zwift forums!

I took at look at your server logs as well, and the ANT dongle still appears to be plugged in to your PC as far as I can tell.

When you pair a trainer’s ANT signal instead of its Bluetooth signal, you may see “FE-C” in the trainer’s name on the pairing screen. This is what I’m seeing on the server end of things.

Please unplug the ANT dongle from the computer. This will force the trainer and the Zwift Click to pair over Bluetooth, and you should be good to go - please let us know if that fixes it for you?

5 posts were split to a new topic: Companion app stopped working

Hi thanks for responding. I’ve indeed tried to do a session with only the Bluetooth dongle connected ( I removed the ant+ one)

I didn’t have a single drop out during that ride. I’ve only been able to test it for a single ride. I’ll try to do more to confirm it’s fully working :ok_hand::sunglasses:

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We appreciate you looping back to let us know it’s working well by removing the ANT dongle from your computer!

I had the same type of problem. Connecting my trainer with ANT+ and not getting my CLICK to connect. Unplugging ANT+ and forcing BT did the trick.

Hi @C_HedeFriis and welcome to the forums! This is Alejandro from Zwift. Your trainer must be paired through Bluetooth to use the Zwift Click. It won’t connect to Zwift if your trainer is paired through ANT+ since Virtual Shifting only works with Bluetooth.

Here you can check this article about connecting your Zwift Click to better know how to connect it to Zwift.

If there is anything else we can help you with, please do not hesitate to write us at

Thank you for your reply @AlejandroC. It seems I have been unclear (probably my English), but I did not ask for guidace. I simply tried to reply to @shooj asking for feedback on forcing Bluetooth to get CLICK to work.