Zwift Academy 2022 issues

I did the baseline ride on the 13th and received a blank email on the 15th. The “view in browser” trick doesn’t work either, it’s just blank. I’m opted into ZA emails in my email settings.

It’s been a week since I did the ride, could I please receive the fixed email? Thanks.


Why there isnt any events for the workout #1 aerobic conditioning?
And Why is there only 2 long workouts on Zwift from my IPAD? If i do those from the workout menu does it count for the ZA academy?

Yes you can do the workouts from the workout menu.


On the flip side, while I got my email, I’m either doing something wrong, or within CA I can’t access any page that looks like that screenshot (with segments populated or not)?

EDIT: Nevermind… now the ZA logo is clickable and works. :confused:

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Thank you for the info. Hope the workouts appear soon xD

Basically sitting out ZA this year :frowning: - I thought I would try it but none of the workouts are available to me (long) - events never work out for me timewise - need the on demand option

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I am on ATV, and I did the FTP Short Block workout by selecting from the menu. I completed it, but it does not show up on my dashboard. Any thoughts? The at Home Cycling & Running Virtual Training App

Hi @Mordy_Eisenberg

See the post above, you don’t have to do the workouts as a group. they are available on demand.

On iPad at least, the long workouts do not appear in the on demand folder.

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Yes they are working on that, You can do the short workouts and if you want to do more you can do it a second time skipping the warmup section.

Same issue on Apple TV - hence my post

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Baseline ride and Email worked for me, but my Workout 1 (long version, on demand) did not register in Zwift Academy Progress…

I had the same problem with Workout #2

Same for me as well although I had a mechanical issue with trainer and erg mode halfway through causing me to fail some of the sections. Not sure if that’s the reason for it not crediting me though…

Edit: mine has credited now

Dont think so, I got all stars. But the workout registered just now, took around 60minutes to show up. Guess one has to be patient :slight_smile:

What about people like me who did the baseline 14/09 and never received any e-mail?

Very frustrating to be honest.

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Curious if you are on Apple TV? My case was same as you - completed all sections and the activity shows I completed the workout - but no credit on the dashboard :slightly_frowning_face:

I don’t think this is a good solution. After doing an interval set you want to be focused on recovering, not fiddling with zwift menus trying to cancel out of the cooldown of the short workout, closing the short workout, going back into a new short workout, cancelling the warmup of that workout and then being ready to start another interval set. You would be second guessing yourself in terms of whether or not you did too much, or not enough recovery to keep the desired fatigue for that point in the workout. Then as far as we know Zwift wouldn’t give credit for either of them given neither was fully done… Given all the other issues we’ve seen, I’d not want to roll the dice on that either.

I mean, I’d prefer re-building the long workout as a custom workout and doing it like that, but then you wouldn’t get credit for the ZA unlocks etc. Which would suck. So then you’d have to go re-do the short workout anyhow.

Anyhow, hopefully they get the long workouts in the iPad/Apple TV menus so this becomes no longer an issue.

I have also had issues with the baseline ride. Completed all segments and went through the arch at the end of the ride. I did lose wifi connection a couple of times but was still seeing onscreen messaging etc, and the full ride recorded fine and was uploaded to Strava.

However I have no results under the baseline values tab in the zwift companion app, and no email. Super annoying because I don’t want to redo. Is there a way I can solve this issue?

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Several of us who led group rides in 2020 asked when ZA 2022 was first announced why they community group rides were no more and we were told by former ZA staff that they were no longer involved.

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