Wrong Turn in a race

Is this a known issue? I was 9.5km into 3R Classique in London race and when my competitors when left I went right. Pic shows no one else on the map but meant to have someone at +2. Pretty frustrating!

Hi @Luke_Poyz welcome to Zwift forums.

Shuji at Zwift HQ here. I’m peeking at your server log history and it looks like you signed up and showed up on time for this 3R Racing event, and started as expected.

19 minutes later you left that event early, and roughly a minute after that you logged out. Where do you keep your iPhone when you ride? Is it possible a drop of sweat dripped onto your phone screen and cause the Quit Event button to trigger?

Once you leave an event, you get dropped into the same world, but with everyone else who’s free riding instead of the people that were in your event. Is that what you experienced before you logged off?

Hi Shuji,
My iPad sits in a seat near my bike, the chances of sweat causing this is extremely low in my opinion. I was dropped into the longer London loop, didn’t see anyone else on there during that time.

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More to my reply, in this screenshot you can see I’m still part of the race but I had already turned off and was racing nobody.

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Hm. That is weird. Let’s get you one-on-one assistance from someone who’s better at reading game logs than I am. Please contact my Support colleagues. Ask for email support to get past the chatbots more quickly and say that you want to email game logs. Here’s how to locate your logs.

When you reach a human - refer to this forum thread URL so they can take it from here please.


i have had this happen to me too - 2/3 days ago on a pride ride the group went right and i went straight on. it has happened before as well, but not consistently. no idea why.

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Did you late join the event? That’s been a common problem with late joining, but that shouldn’t be possible in races unless the event was misconfigured.

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Nah, I was on time and sat in the pen for about 2mins before starting.

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And as you can see in the pic above it kept giving me times differences after I’d turned off. Was quite strange.

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I was replying to the other fellow. I wouldn’t expect you could late join a race. Your problem seems quite unusual and I hope to hear how it happened. Maybe you get a new bug prize :grinning:


Fair enough! Can’t say I was too delighted at the time but being first for a bug a nice consolation prize :joy:

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i was on time to all the events when it happened. On one occassion the program actually told me the group was going to turn off, but i was going to go straight - direction icons at the bottom of the screen. I couldn’t find the remote in time to make the turn. This only happened once, usually there is no warning.

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Ok, been at this since January. Done about 100 races and this is a first. Just did Stage 1 of the monthly series 32k race. In front group of 12 and sitting in 6th. We come to a Y in the sand and everyone goes left and it sends me right. I DON’T have steering and basically I was done. Anyone ever have the game send you in the wrong direction during a race?

I thought I saw two dots on the mini map go right at a junction, when the leading group went left in the Monday 1710 BST running of ZwiftHQ’s ~32Km Fine & Sandy. But I don’t recall any chat from the riders who went the wrong way, or others in my group.

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Not sure if a known issue. First time it has happened to me. Luckily kind of nice it was early and not 3/4 the way through the race. But still sucks.

Was definitely weird since I don’t have steering. Never seen or heard of this issue before. Sounds like it might have happened before now.

yes, i have had the game send me in a different direction during an event ride, but only occasionally - not a consistent happening. I have observed it happening to others once in a while too. Weird.

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they did that in race i was in (not me) TTV live streaming. my Zwift race stage 1 like 30 hours ago. Sad i only got 7th out 30 riders.

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This is from last Friday Race and there is NO Late Join…you can see M.Small7681 turning left.

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Wow 1/2 way thru a race, that’s gotta hurt. I’m wondering if anyone has ever gotten a legit excuse as to why/how.