Signed up for an event - never prompted me to join? SOLVED

Solution found. Support replied back to me saying it was likely my internet connection or hardware and sent me to this link:

Inet connection is rock solid and everything else works…, and I have my pfsense set to monitor and notify if it ever goes down. But that lead me to search on what ports does Zwift need to run.

Instead of sticking to 80/443, they have other ports required for Events and other data for the client. This is why on my main desktop it worked. I have it wide open to outbound traffic.

Came across this link, which has been updated as of Feb 2020 (more recent than the above link) and provides some insight into ports, however missing 2 of them:

My Wifi Network I have locked down tight to limit what ports have outbound access.

Searching, found another thread here asking for Zwift to clearly define what ports are required for the App to work:

So, from monitoring my PFSense firewall for my Zwift box the following is required (most covered in the Zwift guide but 2 are not.


  • 80 TCP
  • 443 TCP
  • 3022 UDP
  • 3023 TCP —> tries to connect on this port first, once you allow it, connections to port 3022 and 21587 are requested by Zwift.exe
  • 21587 TCP

There are various IPs they connect to being Amazon AWS services.


One that is interesting is the port 21587 is connecting to an private IP range: TCP:S

Once I allowed the 3022/3023/21587 access out, everything appears to work fine now. Can you tell I work in IT?

Zwift, please consider doing a connection check in your installation to confirm that users have all ports open or a note in the installer of the required ports, this could easily be done via a ping out on the set port in the installer. I know not many people may lock down their networks so tight, but with the way security is going and vendors are being pushed to make their devices more secure (routers) and windows firewall it could come in handy.