I have done my first session today and the dates are confusing me, like you’ve mentioned. I did it this morning and now it’s saying session 2 available wed night?! But what time? And why more than 24 hours after my first ride? It also says session 3 is available Wednesday evening. I assume evening comes before night. Although I also assume it won’t become available until I’ve done session 2.
None of this seems to be mentioned in any of the Zwift guides I’ve found either. I’m sure I will figure it out eventually but so frustrating.
Same problem. I was doing the build me up plan and i take 3 days of “stop” in the 4th week with some heavy and long free rides. And I see the surprise that purple unicorn is now simply… blocked.
I’am reading all of this and the “you need commitment” and the “do the independent workouts” responses and … seriously??? (build me up is not in the single workouts)
Zwift needs therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder and simply unlock all the trainings allways. Commitment comes by my way, not by yours dear Zwift.
Seriously frustrated that Zwift are still not doing anything about the flexibility of the training plans, some of us have to be away from home to work so need to be able to do the sessions when it suits us - remember we pay for this service,
+1 for better workout timing flexibility.
I got up early this morning to complete the next workout on my list during the time I had available only to find the workout wasn’t available for another 4 hours… That’s useless. If there was even the option to “override” a locked workout when one knows their schedule doesn’t fit into Zwift’s prescribed timeframe that would be an improvement. Then the “locked” workouts could at least still exist to guide users to the specific timing Zwift wants to enforce.
Um … no. I’m sorry, but I completely disagree. You’re basically saying that a person can’t miss a single day or their entire progress is shot. Life happens, we’re not robots. Believe it or not, but average people pay to ride on Zwift too … sorry to disappoint you.
Dear Zwift programmers - Why has this not been fixed yet???
It really cannot be a difficult thing to sort out… I have a busy day today, seeing my family and basically doing normal things. I have an hour spare this morning where I wanted to do the last workout of the week and it’s not available for 2 hours! By which time it’ll be too late, I’ll be gone out and unable to do it. Then tomorrow it’s week 3 and I’ve missed it through no fault of my own.
I cannot understand why this is still an issue years after being reported…
Hey Zwift - still nothing, eh? Multisport mixer seems to be relatively useless given you can’t accomplish Brick workouts. For my next duathlon, should I ask the race judges to pause for 25 hours between each segment?
At least be forthcoming and state you see back to back training as a liability, and that your lawyers won’t let you use disclosures to offset litigation risk.
As you get older ( 60 plus) the body needs longer to recover between (intense) workouts, the build up plan for example needs to be able to be paused, so extra recovery ( holidays, work commitments) can be built in.
Are there any plans that cater for the “elderly” ?
Please make the schedule editable (also >60)!
Allowing a pause function for training plans defeats the entire purpose of the plan. You are supposed to be training under fatigue. People using a pause function would inevitably not see the increase in FTP they would expect from a given plan and complain that the plan sucks. It would be nice if Zwift had the various training plans also listed under the workouts tab so that people could do it at their own leisure though. It would also be nice if Zwift had a wider variety of training plans like Trainer road. As it stands the only one relevant to me is the Build me up plan and I have gotten kinda bored with it.
I know what I am doing and I understand the purpose of training plans. But there are definitely no training plans for users >60. It is exactly what @SteveK wrote about recovery etc.
That’s why I asked for editable training plans - it would be much easier for Zwift than making special plan for any group.
They should just have all the workouts from the training plans available in the workout section so those who don’t have the time or are frail or injured can do them whenever they want without messing up the training plan functionality. There is an entire thread about it asking for this for people to vote up. Adding a greater variety of training plans would help too. Adding a pause function is not a good idea for training plans.
when you get older you’ll find that as you get older, you can still perform the high intensity workouts ( fpt may have reduced) but it does take much longer to recover, you are still fatigued even after the extra “ rest” something fit you to look forward to ?
If you don’t want to you don’t need extra recovery, but many do…
please make it an option, or enable people to follow the plans at their own pace ( like the 12 wk ftp builder)
Having all of the training plan workouts in the workout section will do the exact same thing you are asking for instead of messing with training plan functionality. It would also help to have more training plan selections like trainer road for those who can’t handle some of the huge swings in power output asked for in the two road plans available.
I did a round of evaluation testing back when I got my smart trainer, winter before last. Went through Tacx apps, Zwift, Rouvy, TrainerRoad and SufferFest. As structured training was my primary goal, and I’ve done loads of it before, I knew calendar flexibility was one of the main things to look for. You get interruptions (weather for outside rides/runs, injuries, illness, business travel, vacations) all the time. You switch days, you move rest days - it’s the nature of the beast.
Zwift lost out on my evaluation exactly for the reasons listed in this thread. And that’s before I did any evaluation of the choice and contents of training programs. I use TrainerRoad primarily, I do use Zwift mostly in the off-season as more of an entertainment source than anything else. Fast forward to today - I would still make the same choice, for the same reasons.
There are many workout “plans” under the workout tab (see above). It would be awesome if all workouts can live under workouts and plans.
So enrolled, re-enrolled so many times just to get the Build me up plan to start on Monday. Like many average punters I have to plan my training around full time work and family. I was so excited to have a new challenge. So finally i cracked the Monday start, just so i have time further into the plan to do my longer sessions at the end of the week and weekends - i even have the email to prove it - ‘Your 12 week training plan starts MONDAY’.
So knowing there are 3 ‘prep’ rides, and it’s only Wednesday I decided to do the prep rides. Double checked the plan… it said Week 1 - Available Mon Morning.
So I jump on and do the the first of the 3 Prep rides - I have 5 days to Monday right?
And FFS I finish the ride only to have my entire planning of my 12 weeks stuffed up… Week 1 - first ride suddenly not available until TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Not user friendly for those who really need to plan their weeks and training. And i actually took photos to prove i wasn’t going crazy.
The prompts and your tips and tricks tell us to plan our training, Flipping impossible. Time to provide some flexibility for the majority of your users. I’ve done the ‘workout programs’ and was wanting something different and a little more challenging. But the problem lies in the changing goal post that your platform creates for availability of the sessions. Please allow us to pick the start date/day and open up the week on that start day. And a ‘Prep’ ride or two should not have any impact on the start day for the program proper.
It would be great if you had a work around? I just want to be able to be excited about some training, and be able to plan it around everyday work and family commitments!
Fully agree I did the same as you on Sunday, enrolled and re-enrolled because it was asking me to do two sessions by Sunday evening. Enrolled again Monday morning and it wanted 3 sessions before lunch. Eventually enrolled again Monday evening, did a session, 2 of them then disappeared, did another Tuesday, 1 Wednesday, another said available Thursday evening but I’ve just logged in and now it says available Friday morning. How can anyone plan their training like that?
I don’t generally do a lot of cycling (more running, cycling when injured) but figured a bit of structure would be good. This is just mental, I would probably be quite annoyed if I didn’t find it funny.
Talk about a user-friendly design…
Good thing is - you can ride any plan fro TrainingPeaks in Zwift. Just manage your plan in TP, you’ll be able to do what you want.