Pausing Membership

I would like to pause my membership for the summer expecting to start again in October. It appears the maximum pausing period is 8 weeks. How can I suspend my membership and keep all my data? I am worried that I will loose all my history if I simply cancel.

I’ve never paused/canceled for the summer, but I have always heard that you can cancel for as long as you wish, when you come back and start to pay again all your info is saved and progress restored.

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As long as the same email address is used to can pause/cancel for as long as you need to and ALL your data will still be intact.

This pause option is new however, I’ve never seen that before.

@shooj can you help clarify how this new pause option works and if canceling will cause a user to lose all their progress if they come back 6 months later?


That’s new

@Gerrie_Delport and @Daren might also want to follow this thread.


I still don’t see it (on web at least).

I see the Pause option on mine


I included the wrong part of the screen =)



Why would I ever pause or cancel? Not following thanks. LOL

Ok seriously: This is new.

No Pause option for me



It does seem to be. Maybe they are A/B testing it, or doing a Facebook where they roll out the feature to a limited number of people for feedback.

As a feature, 8 weeks seems too short. It’s not even enough to cover two normal billing cycles, let alone “the summer”.


@Daren and @Gerrie_Delport when was the last time you logged out of Zwift on your browser and logged back in, maybe it will show up?

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30 seconds ago.

It didn’t. :smiley:

Interestingly, it has appeared on Firefox, along with that Cookie Preferences menu item.

But even with a hard refresh on Chrome it still doesn’t appear.

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I think 2015 :slight_smile: :rofl:

Nope did not work.

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The Pause option is a shiny new improvement! This makes the distinction between “I want to cancel and never come back” and “I’m going to ride outdoors because it’s summer, see you next winter.”

When you resume, you’ll pick up where you left off - the progress you made will still be there.


If you cancel and come back later and use the same email address shouldn’t all your data still be there also?


On mine it only allows the option to pause for 2 weeks

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slide that little orange dot to the right

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Yes, this is also true.


With Safari I saw the pause option, with Firefox I didn’t (at first). In Firefox, I’m using ublock origin, and when I turned that off for Zwift, I saw the pause, and cookie preferences.