“No Signal” in the pairing screen

Just had the same issue.

PC + Samsung Bluetooth dongle worked fine for a week.

Today, lost connection during my ride.

Had my iPad (companion App) + iPhone (Wahoo Kickr App) + PC (Zwift App) and TV connected (TV with HDMI from PC) + Wahoo Cadence sensor.

After rebooting and unplugging everything, it worked again. Leave everything unplugged for a few minutes. Also disconnect Bluetooth on iPhone and iPad.

My startup order:

  1. PC + Bluetooth (let it search for a minute before powering the smart trainer)
  2. Wahoo Kickr
  3. Wahoo Cadence sensor
  4. iPhone
  5. iPad

Hope this helps.


First recommendation, disconnect Wahoo Kickr app from Bluetooth and maybe do not use at the same time as Zwift! Even though it worked fine for me for a while.

First I disconnecthed