My List and Home Screen Updates [April 2024]

I didn’t have My List on Android either at first and posted up about that. But then it appeared the next time that I tried it, and I assumed it was a server switch having been thrown (and deleted my post), but it seems from the replies above that it may be from having restarted Companion.

Confirmed this is a workaround. Asking the team here if we can make this effortless like it is on iOS.

The new event-only routes with badges don’t show up in “explore” in the newest ZCA when you filter by uncompleted routes.

Is it possible to add custom workouts to My List? I’m not seeing them as options.

I see it now.

I didn’t force close the Companion, but I did swipe it off screen and reopen it. That might be a coincidence if anything else was changed.

Ok, glad it’s showing up on Android now.

Nothing else was changed on the server for this hiccup, but we’re looking into why force-closing or backgrounding the app solves it.

Wow, everything is way too big on a 27" 4k monitor. Come on, don’t take away a good feature!


What was the reasoning for removing the Home Screen scaling option?! I now have HUGE icons and menus that look pretty rubbish TBH.


Thanks that sorted it got 9 routes showing in my list and now they appear as the first 9 in the for you list on zwift.

Agree that home screen scaling being gone is a step in the WRONG direction. All the text and icons on the homescreen are less than half the size as before. They are barely legible on my 16” laptop. And why change the world (globe), workouts (clipboard) and the other icon back to words? Change for the sake of change is not good. Reminds me of when the number design was changed two years ago and the number 1 looked like a 7. By the way, the number 1 (like this) and the number 7 (like this) is how the numbers should look. Come on Zwift!!!


You really need to have your UI/UX teams look at the scaling and new layout, going backwards is not an improvement


I actually think the icons changes to text is a improvement much clearing especially so for new users.

The layout scaling does need some work though. maybe it’s good for 70% people but that still leaves a lot that would like to scale it or make use of their wide screens.


I’ve been here for two and a half years and would still look at the icons and have to think for a minute what they meant. Words are much better there.

Taking away the scaling option is mind boggling and the only explanation I can come up with is that the UI person hates the users.


Yeah, I like the text better too. The icons threw me for a loop every time.

It would be nice if you could add pace partners to the My List.

I’m sure most people who use pace partners have a particular favourite that they always go to and having that pace partner in the For You section ready to go rather than having to scroll down and across to find them would be a nice addition.

Alternatively, I’ve always thought that adding a pace partner section to the top menu (Home, Events, Routes, Workouts) for quick access would have been useful too.


In the opposite direction to those with large monitors/TVs, the loss of the UI Scaling option is a significant accessibility issue for some Zwifters using small laptop screens, etc.

On a 13" laptop (MacBook Air at MacOS’s default desktop resolution scaling 1440 x 900 in my case) display the Route names listed on the Routes page are all now too tiny to comfortably read at typical ‘Zwifting distance’. Leaning forwards to be nearer the screen is necessary for me (and thus needing my reading glasses too!, and I’m sure many others. Scrolling larger-scale font list worked fine.


I’ll add another call to bring back the scaling options.
On pc with an ultrawide screen. The icons are far too big, and spaced too far apart. And they don’t cover the width of the screen. Best intentions, but you’ve managed to make it both look and function worse.


I wonder if the work on My List could be leveraged to resolve this 5 year old feature request:

The way My List works now is you add something, you do it, and it goes away. But what if there were an option to pin a route or workout to My List so it’s not removed upon completion? Let’s say you really love Tempus Fugit and want to ride it every day, or you frequently do SST Medium. In that scenario My List is not very useful since the user has to do unnecessary work to keep it on the list.


I added a route to My List prior to riding today, it showed up as expected but why does Repack Rush have to be prioritized at the beginning? I’ve done it, I’m not doing it again.

Oh and I’ll pile onto the list that the lack of scaling options sucks!

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Yep, it’s pretty terrible. Home screen looks like shite on my 43" TV now. When I first saw it after the update, I figured the setting had just been reset by the update, so I went looking for it. Then I thought “oh, there’s a bug in this new release” where they accidentally removed the setting. Then realization set in… They actually thought this was a good idea!

I love the excuse in the FAQ about slowing down development. I mean, I suppose you could say the same thing about any feature. Taken to the extreme, we’d have nothing.

It’s just laziness. “We can’t figure out how to use standard responsive design so we’ll just take the feature away”


Yeah I have to cast my vote for always elevating a user’s expressed desire over something calculated. If I have as many things on My List as can be shown on For You, My List should replace everything on For You.