How/Where to record for Garmin Training Effect etc?

Hi there,

I’'ve got a separate cadence/speed sensor and heartrate sensor which is connected to Zwift and the activities to Garmin Connect.

I’ve also got a Garmin Fenix which I wear 24/7. Unfortunately the Stress and Training Effect is calculated on the watch as others have pointed out.

As I don’t want to miss it - how do you record your rides?
I assume I need to connect all sensors to my watch and record it there, then upload the zwift activity?

My gear is:

  • Fenix 6
  • Tacx Vortex Smart Trainer
  • Scosche Rhytm+ Heartrate Sensor
  • Wahoo Fitness Cadence/Speed Sensor

Thanks a lot!

What device are you running Zwift on?

You will need to connect the devices to both Zwift and the Garmin Watch. Just in case I would also connect Zwift to Garmin Connect. You might get duplicate activities in your Garmin feed, but you can delete the Zwift ones as needed. The reason I suggest uploading both activities is if you have issue with either on uploading you will have a backup.

The Garmin First Beat (the All-day stress score you are talking about) is owned by Garmin and only works for activities originating from Garmin devices.

You cannot upload .fit files to Zwift.


I’m running Zwift on a Desktop Computer with ANT+ and BT stick

It is a pain the way Garmin does things.

Connect the HR sensor and Tacx to Zwift and your Fenix 6. You wont get speed data or a nice map on garmin connect but at least it will have your Stress and training effect. Also unlink zwift to GC otherwise you will get duplicate rides.

I just stopped using my fenix when zwifting it is just a pain in the butt and I don’t know if it is worth it. But that is my personal opinion.


Yes, same here. Didn’t found any solution for merging duplicated activities in Garmin Connect. And both activities have different data (one from the Garmin watch and one from Zwift and trainer)

I record power and HR data with my Edge (you could use your Fenix) and then combine both files Garmin and Zwift with Fit File Repair Tool. So I have Zwift’s speed, elevation and GPS data along with Garmin’s TE.


Thank you I’ll have a look at that - very complicated though, I guess I’ll just avoid using the fenix, for now

Dear all,

I would like you to integrate the Garmin Training Effect, Aerobic and Anaerobic when I upload and activity from Zwift. Zwift already sends the suffer score or TSS to TrainingPeaks or Strava but not to Garmin.
I know there are different ways to save the rides or runs but all of them have a “but”:

  • Tracking and saving the activity with the Garmin Fenix 6 or Edge devices. It saves the power, cadence, km, time, etc… But not the elevation, therefore, the speed and km are not real. So at the end of the year you are not able to know how many “km” have you done or how many “m” have you climbed, and at the end it has no sense paying a Zwift subscription if you are saving something unreal.

From my point of view this lack of feature is a bad point for Zwift because people how prefer Garmin, will save the activity directly with the Garmin devices and it implies not sharing the activity with Zwift, missing the opportunity to show in all the social media the Zwift app.

I asume it should be a contract between Zwift and Training peaks (because of the TSS) but what happens with people who don’t want to pay a Training Peaks or Strava license if they already have a good Garmin device.

I know Garmin works with Firstbeat, but I think it something that goes in apart.

Please, folks, help me to make Zwift integrate this feature voting the Topic!

Best regards to all of you.

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Garmin want us to use their device to calculate Training effect. This is just the way Gramin does things. Garmin is going down the same route as Polar, and we know where polar is now.

I think Strava and Training peaks calculate the TSS and suffer score.

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Hi, you can choose what is synchronised to and from Garmin in a more selective way that on/off.
Logon to Garmin Connect Web, select Profile & Account (face in top right), choose Account Settings and then Account Information. Scroll down.
Toggle the options you want. For example i’ve stopped Zwift being able to upload to Activities to Connect although my accounts are still technically linked.

Hope this helps.

The calculated Training Effect itself is synced with Garmin Connect, e.g. this is from my commute this morning:


It doesn’t help with the issue of duplicate rides though, because as noted the calculation has to be done on the device. So although Connect will display TE, it won’t work it out for itself from uploaded ride data.

Simon, you’ve correctly identified that these are Firstbeat metrics that are licensed by Garmin and included in some of their devices. In order for Zwift to calculate similar metrics they would also need to license these features from Firstbeat. That may likely increase your Zwift subscription as there would be a fee from Firstbeat to Zwift for the license to use these algorithms and metrics.

Exercise Load of 97!. That’s one heck of a commute :slight_smile:

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It’s not that high is it? It’s a fairly short 10-11km / 30 minute ride. Only around 80m of climbing too. =)

I guess it differs for different people, and I assume it’s based on heart rate. This was 29 minutes with an average heart rate of 131.

By comparison I’ve done an hour long recovery ride on Zwift with average HR of 114 and that was a training load of 41; and I did a 1h 17m Zwift ride with an average HR of 141 with a training load of 286.

97 is fairly typical for my commute, although it varies between around 50 and 130 if I go relatively hard.

Maybe the Garmin calculations are just whacky. :wink:

i’ll have to try that out. i’ve been using my edge for speed, power, hr and also syncing to zwift (power and hr). still no training effect. i’m wondering if it’s a Kickr thing, because i did a workout last week with just kickr and edge and no zwift and still no training effect. i’ll keep researching

Hi Christophe,

I personally record data with both Zwift and my Forerunner 735. I download both set of data on Garmin Connect. My initial observations are the following. Zwift does not calculate training effect and VO2max, but Garmin does. So Garmin Connect shows the training status without doubling my effort of the day. I say this because I was able to compare the training status before and after the Zwift data were downloaded and I noticed no change. Then I delete the Forerunner 735 data set, to keep only the Zwift data for total km and climbing meters. I observed no change in the training status after deletion. I also noticed that the date of the last VO2max recording was unchanged, even if the Garmin dataset from which it was recorded was deleted. It’s only been a month since I use Zwift but so far, it looks good. I did not look at how my method affect the stress score, but it seems like once these metrics are calculated, they become independent from the data they used in the calculation. The only downside is that I loose the training effect of each session. But for me, once I looked at these metrics after my training session, I don’t care if they are not kept. And their lost don’t seems to affect other metrics.

Not a scientific analysis and I would like to have comments from more experienced user from Garmin products to know if I miss something. But at the end of the day, it appears to be ok.

Happy training!

How does the training load score relate to TSS? By definition, a maximum workout for 67 minutes would yield a TSS of 117. Per TrainingPeaks,

By definition, one hour spent at Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is equal to 100 points.

Is there a training load score for a single workout? I seem to find that training load is a rolling seven day aggregate:

Training load is an EPOC-based metric that describes the combined strain of all your recorded activities over the past seven days, regardless of whether you were running, cycling, etc.

I don’t know any of the answers but I think

111.6 rather than a TTS of 117.

Thanks. Both “67” and “117” are typos. I was aiming for the “1 hour 17 minute” time span, or 77 minutes, which would yield a maximum TSS of 128, if someone could hold their 60 minute maximum power for another 17 minutes.

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Already mid 2021 but I think this feature is not released yet. Well it’s really sad, but do you guys already find how to solve this? Thanks