Game Update - June 15th, 2021

Video of problem

I can run zwift iOS directly on my iPhone ( the one used for ZCA ) without any connection problems

Zwift support acknowledge a problem connecting separate power sources and trainer control with fond devices
There is no workaround, they are working on a fix ASAP

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Since today’s ‘small update’ Zwift is causing my PC to just shut down with no warning…… been testing the last few hrs. PC works great with many many Apps running, as soon as a launch Zwift it starts the login screen then OFF. Reboot PC and all good again for an hour, launch Zwift and OFF………

Will try an uninstall and re-install now and see if that changes anything……

Using one of the additional buttons of the kickr bike for the powerups is great! But why use the other one for the u-turn? Toggling through the directions at intersections would be much more useful. Or giving ride ons like with the tap on the companion app.
Ideally, make it configurable.

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after the last update, again problems entering the game (PC Win). Still screen loading. Reinstalling the game won’t help either. What with this…

Hi @Milan_Klos_DIRT, I’m using windows 10 too and haven’t had any issues at all, also works fine on my old laptop that I never use anymore.

Post some info about your system, we might be able to help.


On Monday 21st I was yellow beacon on SZR Joyride D and unfortunately late joined. As I joined the ride I had no fence controls (my back-up leader had fence prior to my arrival), I quit, rebooted and late joined again but still had no fence / fence controls for the remainder of the ride.

Hi there SteveK,
I have the exact same issue here with my V3 pedals and Smart trainer not being able to connect as power and controller. Interested to hear if you got any additional feed back from them?
TIA Steve.


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Still having the same issues with incorrect gradient sent to KICKRv5 w/Climb / Apple TV 4K 2017. Rode 4 routes on Makuri Islands on Sunday and tried a few things:

Ride 1: Started Zwift as normal, accepted auto pairing and began Zwifting. Gradient / Climb Incline way out (similar to screenshots in previous posts). Paused the ride, quit bluetooth connections and repaired. Worked fine. Correct gradients sent to KICKR / Climb

Ride 2: Started Zwift. Quit auto pairing and re-paired. Gradient / Climb Incline way out. Paused the ride, quit bluetooth connections and repaired. Worked fine. Correct gradients sent to KICKR / Climb

Ride 3: Started Zwift as normal, accepted auto pairing and began Zwifting. Worked fine. Correct gradients sent to KICKR / Climb

Ride 4: Same as Ride 1. Not working. Paused the ride, quit bluetooth connections and repaired. Worked fine.

So, after spawning, pausing, quitting the BT connections and re-pairing seems to work every time.

Rode London on Wednesday, and also noticed when riding past people doing workouts, on their in-game HUDS, the power is shown upside down.

Another ATV bug appeared today. My wife rode Innsbruck UCI course, and despite riding hard up the climb she could not believe that the ETA was nearly 20 minutes slower than her on-screen 30-Day PR of 20:15

Well I’d been on the same course earlier this morning. And that 20:15 was MY time. Same for her UCI Lap time. Her PR was showing as 41:11, but again that was MY time from earlier.

So there’s something seriously messed up with Zwift on ATV. Of course, we have two separate accounts, and two separate user logins on ATV.

Bug report. Not seen it before tonight but some assets are randomly semi-transparent. Or it might be just these stone arches.

Windows 10, latest game version, GTX 1660.

Edit: relaunched the game to check, still the same. Not seen anything else like this, but it’s definitely new.

“Interested to hear if you got any additional feed back from them?
TIA Steve”

After making me jump through BT hoops support recognise the problem ( after I sent them a video of the bug) and have sent “upstairs” to the development team, no ida of how long for a fix !

Thanks for the info! Much appreciated. Not ideal but lets hope they sort it out soon! Its super frustrating.

yes i’m having to use my iPhone Zwift app which connects fine, although a much worse viewing experience.

So I use my phone 100% of the time when connecting, (I plug into an external tv screen) but both my iPad and iPhone completely refuse to connect both. So that is really interesting that your iPhone connects fine.

yes, on iPhone I don’t even need to select anything a it remembers he BT settings.

Its my Apple TV that won’t connect ( via the companion app)


Had the same a couple of times cruising with PP and free ride but didnt have it in an event.

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Maybe this is beta of pace partners drops mutlipler zone range banner.

Hi Wes, the next release must be imminent. Here’s a friendly nudge to remind Zwift to include the version number in the announcement title. :elephant: :t_rex:
Ride on!


Pretty sure it was just released, I got the update on Mac but it doesn’t seem to be coming through on windows… No release notes yet though…