Auto upload to Strava

I’m a newbie to Zwift - first ride last night and I’m trying to figure out how to get my data to auto upload to Strava. I can certainly manually upload the local file that zwift generates successfully but when I just click the Strava connect button, data never shows up. I also don’t see anywhere I can configure the Strava upload (because my Zwift ID is not the same email as my Strava one).

Once you link your account to STRAVA via the dashboard, rides will automatically post to STRAVA as long as you click “save + STRAVA” at the end of your ride. Existing rides will not auto-post.

There is no requirement for the email accounts used for Strava and Zwift to match. Through the Strava API, you are authorizing your Zwift account to post data to Strava for you.

As you point out, you can manually upload existing FIT files from your local machine or the easiest way is to download FIT files for each activity from the dashboard.

If you experience any issues, log a ticket with our support team and we’ll look into it.

I have tried this twice now and info does not show up in Strava. Is there something else that needs to be done?

Automatic Strava uploads don’t work for me either, I think it’s because as in your case my Zwift and Strava credentials (email address) don’t match up, and Zwift never asks for that information.

No auto upload for me

Mine don’t auto sync. either. Not a big problem but would be good if it did load the latest workout.

Zwift is link in my Strava account

same issue…never was asked to enter username and password to strava by zwift but they are linked and I indicate to save and post to strava

hi guys

struggling with the login to starve via the website - have double triple checked my user name and password for strava and it it correct. but when i clock login it just resets the screen



ok, problem solved. for some reason connecting to strava didnt wokr wiht safari, but when i used chrome (browser) it worked perfectly :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info, Luke. We’ll look into it further on our end!

I was initially able to connect to my Strava account (forget how I did it now but I think you do it from within Strava) but when my wife started using the app her results were being sent to my account. As everyone notes above there is no dialogue for resetting the credentials. Here is how I fixed it.

Open Strava web page and sign in (in this case as my wife)

Open new tab and sign in to Zwift (again as my wife)

Go to settings->Connections

Disconnect Strava then reconnect. No credentials are requested but apparently having an open session is enough. Perhaps the same technique can be used to address some of the problems above.

The web vs app interface to Zwift is confusing.

App is connected to Strava.  At end of first ride I clicked on the save to Strava option.  At that point the app shut down, which I’m not sure is supposed to happen.  The ride is saved in Zwift app, but didn’t show up in Strava, nor is there any FIT file on my computer.  The references /MyDocuments/Zwift folder does not exist.  Given the large number of people having issues with this, could we get some more specific instructions, rather than the generic ones that clearly are problematic?

Hi Jürgen,

Zwift closes after you Save or Discard - this is intentional and how the program works currently.

If it’s not uploading to Strava, there might be a network disconnect that is preventing the upload from happening. I highly recommend submitting a support ticket and including the log.txt file for that ride (located in your Documents\Zwift\Logs folder).

Specific instructions generally involve resetting routers/modems or modifying unique network settings as it’s very dependent on each Zwifter’s own set up.


I have submitted a ticket, but they are at a loss - all the suggestions are already implemented.  I DON’T have a Documents\Zwift folder anywhere, which is probably the issue - but I would like to know how to fix that.

Hi Jürgen,

This is the issue. Are you on a work computer with limited access? Is your Documents Folder attached to an internal network that needs constant access to a VPN?

BTW: You have a response from our team so I would look at that and respond there. But something with your set-up tells me it’s not quite standard.

I have the free version of zwift and i am considering getting the pay version but i hva to agree with those who have problems with transfering data from zwift to strava. The forst time i tryed it actually worked (ftp test ride) but the second time nothing transfered. It is saved in zwift but didnt kopy to strava. It now seems like i have to reconnect over and over again still it doesnt save the connection. This error must be fixed otherwise i will not buy the real thing.

Hi Bernt,

If it’s not uploading to Strava, then there is a network error between Zwift and Strava’s server. Your log files should show some kind of error there. Just submit a support ticket with all of your log files and we look into it.


Eric, with all due respect, I’ve been down that path and spent a month in a fruitless dialog with your support team!

The problem I have and it sounds like Bernt is the same, is that the folder that stores the data, the settings, the log files and probably the database engine doesn’t get installed during the program install, yet the program reports no errors - ie it thinks install was successful.  Since I don’t have the database engine or the folders, not settings are saved meaning that I need to pair devices each time I run the app, no data is stored (so none uploaded), no log files are captured (so can’t track what is happening).  I am in the IT industry, so I know all the canned responses you’ve given and had checked all that before even contacting support.  The problem is your software - the installation process doesn’t work in some instances and just following the threads on the forum (yes, I looked for help from others first), it seems this problem is quite widespread.  

You should see this feedback as a gift from your customers - giving you an opportunity to improve!  So far, I’ve seen a defensive response…