Alpe du Zwift prize wheel

The last two occasions I have ridden the alpe course the prize wheel has failed to activate. First occasion was during the haute series special event. The second during a recent tour for all stage. On both occasions fellow riders celebrated certain prizes on the group chat, while others had the same problem as me and commented their sadness. Zwift support have not replied to my support emails on the matter.

Incredibly disheartening to make the effort and receive no prize. Even worse the lack of response by zwift.

Hi @Wattwell

Lets start with some questions, See: Guide to Getting Useful Support?

Hi Gerrie. I have shared all of the information by email to the support team.

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You might need to do the alp for the sheer challenge and if you get a spinning wheel that’s a nice bonus. Also, once that wheel does start spinning for you you will soon be disappointed by a hundred sets of gloves instead of something new. (You can’t go into the alp expecting a reward each time even if the wheel does work).

Have you run your log files through the zwiftalizer website to see if you had a network disconnection? Maybe if there is a network disconnection during the ascent the wheel doesn’t work? Maybe the issue was during the event there were a lot of other people and zwift just struggled with getting all the pieces to work. I’d recommend doing the alp by yourself instead of in an event.

Hi Ben thanks for engagement. I disagree with you that my expectations should be lowered if it’s a feature it should apply to all, all the time. I don’t believe there was any network disruption on these rides.

The last point about events, again the prize wheel should activate equally to everyone, why does it activate for some people on events and not on my two most recent attempts?


Well if you run your log files through the zwiftalizer website and look to see if you had any drop outs then instead of just thinking you didn’t have any, you’ll actually know.

I see there is a belief that if you have an unused power up then you don’t get a spin. No more spinny wheel? - #8 by Nigel_Tufnel

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Thanks ben. I didn’t have a drop out or unused powerup as I crossed the line.

Hi M, got the same issue 2 days ago… I’m chasing the Meilenstein wheels so really disapointing to didn’t get the Prize Wheel…
I’m not expected anything of the Zwift support, they don’t answer to your question and the game is full of bug… Such a shame when you see the price you pay for it.


Just did my third Alpe 2 days ago during an event but didn’t got the spinning wheel at the top of the Alpe… Can someone explain me why plz ?
I’m trying to chase the Meileinstein so i didn’t want to loose too much attempt ^^’

And if it’s not “normal” can a Zwift Admin helps me please ?

My activity: eu-fr/activity/949397011856113696

Thank you,

No point in chasing those Meileinstein Wheels when you can just buy ROVAL ALPINIST CLX .They record the same time.You do need to be level 32 to buy them.

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