I need help. Zwift increased prices in Turkey 800 % from 50 TL to 400 TL. This is wild. Are you out of your minds ? *
Using a currency conversion 400TL puts the price about equivalent to what I’m paying in the UK. Not sure what taxes if any there are.
How long have you been paying 50TL for?
If you’ve only been paying 50 i suspect all that’s happened is Zwift have corrected an under payment issue.
Turkey has been going through a long period of high inflation and I guess Zwift is now adjusting for that. I pay $20 CAD which is about 400 TL. You have had a very good deal for a long time.
now compare average wage in turkey to uk/canada
good point, but Zwift is not a socially run company, but out to maximize profit for its share holders or owners like most companies. It’s a business decision to raise rates or keep them lower in various countries to maintain users.
It’s not all one sided. You can get cheap dentistry and cosmetic surgery in Turkey.
Hi @Bulent_Gunsur welcome to Zwift forums
If you haven’t done so already - please contact my Support Colleagues to look into your specific situation offline. Where money is involved - such as subscriptions or shop purchases - we support you via email, rather than on this public forum.
UPDATE from my colleagues on the Subscriptions team for Zwifers in Turkey:
A recent audit discovered that the Zwift subscription price through the Apple App Store was based on an old Turkish New Lira to US Dollar conversion rate. The pricing changes have been implemented to match the advertised subscription price of $14.99. We apologise for the sudden change. Moving forward, we will be conducting currency exchange rate reviews on a more regular basis to avoid such a significant change in the future.
And this is exactly why they should adjust their prices in accordance with local economic conditions, otherwise they will lose customers and profits in that country. Turkish minimum wage is $483 per month, and $15 subscription fee would be 3.1% of that, whereas in the US, the minimum wage is $1280 a month in the lowest min. wage state (at $8/hr and 160 hours a month). This is the reason the price of Big-Mac is cheaper in Turkey ($2.68) than it is in the US ($5.15).
Source: Big Mac Index by Country 2023 - Wisevoter
Before someone starts talking about the difference between big-macs and zwift, netflix charges $3.62 for the standard subscription in Turkey vs. $15.49 in the US. It’s common business sense.
Local pricing is a method used by many companies. The purchasing power of Turkish people has decreased a lot. If Zwift is considering its users in Turkey, it should make 200 TL instead of 400 TL.
They don’t need to consider users, they just need to consider their business in Turkey. People will just unsubscribe. It’s a price elastic service, demand will fall down more than the price increase, leading to revenue loss.
+1 most of Turkish subscribers will unsubscribe. The 800% price increase is unbelievable. If someone authorized from Zwift is reading this, I hope you can provide local pricing
At the end of the day it’s more about the individual’s personal circumstances.
If you can afford to subscribe you will, if you can’t you won’t.
There’s people living in poverty in every corner of the globe.
I suspect that the portion of revenue from Turkey is minimal because there are not that many subscribers there compared to the US, UK, Europe, and Australia, which means the company can either attract those customers at reasonable (local) prices without significant loss, or they can jack up the price and lose those customers without significant loss. If you were the CEO, which option would you choose? There’s really no significant harm to the company either way. As a customer, the international flavor of the game is an asset - it makes it more appealing to me. So as someone willing to pay full price in the US, I would like to see customers in other regions retained even if they are paying less. I want them in the game. I want Africa in the game, too. Charge what the market will tolerate and no more.
This. I would also like to see Africans, Argentines cycling together in Zwift. Zwift get $15 from an American but $7.5 from a person living in Argentina because they earn less because of the country’s economy. People living in Turkey are suffering from bad economy and inflation. There is no point in giving an 800% raise. For example, YouTube Premium is $11.99 in the US, but $2.5 in Turkey. Another example, Netflix is $12.78 in Switzerland and $9.99 in America. In Turkey, $3.39 thanks to local pricing. A company’s purpose is to make money, I’m not against it, just local pricing is a good thing for poorer countries.
I am trying them to see they will loose customers like me. If they don’t adjust the prices Adios then, it’s so simple.
Think GLOBAL act LOCAL. Price discrimination is a selling strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service based on what the seller thinks they can get the customer to agree to.
there is a difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty.
seems sensible to price things to allow similar percentages of countries to afford zwift if they choose to.
i don’t mind my price being higher to slightly subsides prices in other countries if it means people can afford it who otherwise wouldn’t be able to.
I get the point but how can you determine that a whole nation should be subsidised based on geographics?
Should you pay the same as the guy who lives two doors down but is unemployed and doesn’t have the same financial ability as you?
Are we saying that the whole of the Turkish nation are not earning good wages relative to their economy?
Should i be paying more than a chap in Africa who’s comparative wage is 3 times mine.
It’s an individual thing for me
we’re happy to buy things cheaper because they are made in countries that pay well below our minimum wage (a lot of the things we use to ride on zwift for example) but then shout “that’s not fair” if their subscription is lower to reflect their lower wages which allows similar amounts of people to be able to afford it.
Price benchmarking things country to country seems like a reasonable thing to do.