I’ve had a scan though the published posts, I can’t find anything on Custom Workout Cloud Sync… I’ve done some testing here toady and need to report the following issues:
Workout Sync Bug #1 - Zwift won’t sync custom workout folders. It’ll only sync .zwo files within the \workouts directory. If I have \workouts\LamaLab\ and things like Test1.zwo, Test2.zwo in there, it’ll give you a drop-down menu within the workout menu. It’s pretty neat. There’s a how-to up here on the support forums on this.
When I log into another device and the folder(s) are not synced, the next time you log into a device with those folders and the custom .zwo files on there - they’re deleted by Zwift. Not ignored, they’re deleted…!!
The sync policy seems to be your last device used is the most current, so that’s what the next device will mirror. And since they don’t sync folders of workouts… the next time you log into a machine with folders of workouts, it removes them all. This almost makes sense… almost. Now to find my backups.
#2 - Multiple Zwift accounts using a single user operating system (same log-in, eg, not having separate Windows machine users, or sharing an iPad/iPhone to use Zwift)
If ZWIFTUSER1 and ZWIFTUSER2 both use the same device/machine - both of their custom workouts will initially merge. ZWIFTUSER1 gets all ZWIFTUSER2 .zwo workouts, and vice-versa. This is because the .zwo files are held in the same \Documents\Zwift\Workouts folder for the singe Windows/machine profile. That makes sense why this occurs…
There’s a modification/deletion issue: If USER1 deletes a custom workout from that system, it is removed for USER2 as well. Argh.
- Each user to use a different machine account (not ideal / not possible on IOS)
- Workouts to be stored in \Documents\Zwift\Users\userid\Workouts like the CP (critical power) statistics.
I have to raise the .zwo in folder deletion as CRITICAL. As Zwift keeps deleting my workouts! If it can’t sync them, please leave them in place.
Syncing in a shared environment opens up another can of worms - Zwift Spin Studios. If ZWIFTUSER1 logs into a hypothetical Lama Spin Studio machine with 100 of my GPLama custom workouts it’ll then sync them to this user, forever. They get a copy of the Lama Spin Studio workouts to use whenever they like.
- Split custom USER workouts off from custom SYSTEM workouts. \Documents\Zwift\Users\userid\Workouts for account created workouts. And \Documents\Zwift\Workouts or \Program Files\Zwift\Workouts for system owner workouts.