ZWO Workout Cloud Sync Bugs / Multi-User Issues

I’ve had a scan though the published posts, I can’t find anything on Custom Workout Cloud Sync… I’ve done some testing here toady and need to report the following issues:

Workout Sync Bug #1 - Zwift won’t sync custom workout folders. It’ll only sync .zwo files within the \workouts directory. If I have \workouts\LamaLab\ and things like Test1.zwo, Test2.zwo in there, it’ll give you a drop-down menu within the workout menu. It’s pretty neat. There’s a how-to up here on the support forums on this.


When I log into another device and the folder(s) are not synced, the next time you log into a device with those folders and the custom .zwo files on there - they’re deleted by Zwift. Not ignored, they’re deleted…!!

The sync policy seems to be your last device used is the most current, so that’s what the next device will mirror. And since they don’t sync folders of workouts… the next time you log into a machine with folders of workouts, it removes them all. This almost makes sense… almost. Now to find my backups.

#2 - Multiple Zwift accounts using a single user operating system (same log-in, eg, not having separate Windows machine users, or sharing an iPad/iPhone to use Zwift)

If ZWIFTUSER1 and ZWIFTUSER2 both use the same device/machine - both of their custom workouts will initially merge. ZWIFTUSER1 gets all ZWIFTUSER2 .zwo workouts, and vice-versa. This is because the .zwo files are held in the same \Documents\Zwift\Workouts folder for the singe Windows/machine profile. That makes sense why this occurs…


There’s a modification/deletion issue: If USER1 deletes a custom workout from that system, it is removed for USER2 as well. Argh.


  • Each user to use a different machine account (not ideal / not possible on IOS)
  • Workouts to be stored in \Documents\Zwift\Users\userid\Workouts like the CP (critical power) statistics.

I have to raise the .zwo in folder deletion as CRITICAL. As Zwift keeps deleting my workouts! If it can’t sync them, please leave them in place.

Syncing in a shared environment opens up another can of worms - Zwift Spin Studios. If ZWIFTUSER1 logs into a hypothetical Lama Spin Studio machine with 100 of my GPLama custom workouts it’ll then sync them to this user, forever. They get a copy of the Lama Spin Studio workouts to use whenever they like.


  • Split custom USER workouts off from custom SYSTEM workouts. \Documents\Zwift\Users\userid\Workouts for account created workouts. And \Documents\Zwift\Workouts or \Program Files\Zwift\Workouts for system owner workouts.

i agree completely shane this really doesnt makes any sense how it works

i have tryed everything but just cannot figure out how to get my workouts synced ???
i have 4 workouts as zwo files that i have put in to the zwift-workout folder on my laptop but there is just no way they show up on my apple tv or IOS devices ???
i created a test workout on the build in workout builder in zwift on my laptop and funny that one synced and show up on other devices ???
this makes me think if the criteria is that the custom workouts has to be made on the build in workout creator which then makes it completely useless to me

+1 on all the above points.
I’ve noticed login time has slowed down significantly in multi-user ‘Zwift Studio’ settings. Sometimes freezing during login as it tries to sync 150+ custom workouts, many of which are designed specifically for a certain purpose or individual.
As mentioned by Shane, all of our ‘studio only’ workouts are on all our clients home devices now, which is a significant issue.

Just an fyi we’ve been looking into this and there may be some changes in a coming update.

Five days, no responses to my queries… and Dave has a reply within the hour…

You’re deleting files guys. ffs.

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Sorry for us not replying to this sooner @GPLama! Our QA team was on it from the day you posted, unfortunately we did not have an update until yesterday. No confirmation on what exactly is changing yet but I’ll update this post as soon as I have it.

Update: For your sub folders, in the next update on Mac/PC you should be able to access them and go between other Mac and PCs with no problem. Do not go on iOS/Apple TV yet because they will be deleted. This will be fixed before October 31st.

As for #2, this is something that will be addressed down the pipeline, just maybe not in the newest update.

Where are we at with this? I’ve got multiple users on the same pc and now workouts aren’t appearing. The latest update made things worse.

See this:

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Thanks - seems like an awkward way to improve something that seemed to be working ok…

I have an issue with the cloud sync …thing. I have several PC used by several ZwifterID … I am managing a bunch of workouts for all of them, copying the same workouts on every PC into folder for every ZwiftID.
I have issue when I update an existing workout … when the user will log my updated workout file will be overwritten by the workout present on the cloud.
Is it possible to just disable the cloud sync?

Similar problem here. I use a PC at home which is connected to zwift and use permanently for the purpose. I have a laptop at home (which I used to use). I seemed to be able to sync subfolders with workouts a few days ago and not loose anything. I have logged onto a machine at work and this hasn’t synced the subfolders, very odd…
I do log onto the work laptop with a different name (all windows machines) but I use the single zwift account. I will now check that I have a backup of the workouts before I startup zwift on my home PC as I will be most unhappy to loose any custom workouts. Thanks Shane for pointing this out. I think it warrants a post on your channel as a warning as I don’t remember seeing anything noted. Its great that Zwift are looking at this and I agree they should not be deleting any files without the user choosing that option