Hi, I’m trying to clean my custom workouts library which I created inside folders for organization, but everytime that I deleted from the File Explorer on Windows, they re-appear again. I reinstalled and deleted the Workouts folder and they keep re-appearing.
Please don’t answer with the option “delete each workout one by one” because that’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid
Sadly no the only workaround is deleting each one of the workouts from the zwift app, which is horribly cumbersome and time consuming.
I think that this scenario is something that the developers didn’t think about it.
I am also having the same issue, but furthermore I can’t seem to add any more workouts. I’ve added them with no problem before but new ones now don’t upload.
I am trying to include new workouts in my custom list but without success. In iOS the CREATE WORKOUT buttom is no more available, and when I include the workout through the EXPLORER, the synchronization does not happen.
Is that whats happens with you, guys? Any solution? How to send the demand to the developers?
There is a file in the directory Zwift/Workouts/{your ZWIFT ID} labeled workouts.files. You have to edit it by using some .txt editor.
In the file, you will find the name of the workouts you’ve added (f.ex.: <name>Workout XXX</name>) and following this, for each workout there is a command like <deleted>false</deleted>. Just change the false by true for each workout you want to delete, delete the corresponding workout files and boot up ZWIFT. Works fine for the iPAD.
If you have many workouts and you want to delete some and keep others.
Notepad++, and use the replace command.
Replace false with true.
For those that you want to keep, use the find command to search for the name of the file, and replace false with true.
Save the text file.
Manually delete the zwo files from your Zwift ID folder
Start Zwift