Zwift will not download update

Hello, Zwift seems to be having trouble downloading an update this morning. I had already used the program once after the drop shop update. Did not ride yesterday, but this morning forcing another update and it will not download.

Has anyone had similar issues? Are the servers possibly overloaded because of weekend traffic?

I have speed tested my internet and it is fine. 100mbps down, 35 up.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You could try uninstalling Zwift and reinstalling it.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried that already. Same issue. The launcher screen says ‘Updating’ but the bar never shows any progress. I have also tried restarting me PC as well as restarting the update many times.

I think at this point I will leave it for the afternoon and see if it makes any progress by dinner. I have raised a ticket with Zwift support.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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If you’re on a PC go to the Zwift folder and right-click on zwiftlauncher.exe and choose run as administrator. That usually fixes it for me.


Nope that didn’t work. Stuck in update loop for 3 weeks. Time to cancel my subscription.

Sorry to hear of all these troubles. I presume you contacted Zwift at ?

In certain cases, they may grant a free month, especially if it can be determined it’s a software defect vs. external reason that we cannot control.


I have this issue since last week on two different laptops using current Win10. can’t help also when I send the zwift log files.

Just wanted to let you know that I just encountered this last week and have not been able to use Zwift since. A double click on the icon results in an update as soon as the screen says “log in successful”
progress bar never moves. I have deleted and reinstalled the app twice with absolutely no change. It is so frustrating. I will have to cancel my subscription.

Hi @Duane_Hunt6822, what system do you use for Zwift. Windows 10, mac, iPhone, etc? Could a fire wall or antivirus software be blocking it?


same problem here, time to cancel subscription again.

If you are using a PC and Zwift doesn’t update automatically on launch, follow these steps: Open your System Tray—which sometimes may be referred to as the Notification Area. Right-click on the Z icon. Select Check for Updates Now.

Having this again in '23: it keeps on launching saying ‘preparing download’ and the progress bar does not move an inch. Tried all above actions multiple times: nothing works. Will cancel subscription, very frustrating.

Hello @Toon_Huygaerts, welcome to the forums.

There hasn’t been an update since mid December, so kind of strange that you are having this issue today. Can you give us some information on your system, what devices you are using for Zwift and your wifi/internet speeds?

Brand new user here in 2023. On a Windows 10 PC. Tried everything mentioned above and it’s stuck on Updating. I hope I’m not getting charged for this.

I bought a Thinkcentre. It’s nice and small and fits behind the TV.
But I have the same problem now. The update in version 1.1.13 is stuck in the update.

I found the problem. I tried to open the log files, but Windows Defender blocked the files.

I deactivate the antivirus program in Windows Defender. Now its updating.


Thanks! Same issue for me on Windows 10 in version 1.1.13, solved by turning off Real-Time protection.

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