Thought I was technically competent, but the first time i attempted to set up my new Zwift ride, it went badly wrong. I now have a replacement Zwift Cog 2.
One thing I can’t work out from the various videos is if there is any sort of insert required for the non-drive side. On the drive side, am I correct in assuming that the thru axle just goes into the locking nut of the Cog 2, with nothing else required?
Or does the through axle just go straight into the Zwift ride frame on this side? as in this photo:
Hi @James_Cavell_Amsterd thanks for bringing your concerns to our forums! This is Alejandro, from Zwift.
As @Jurgen_Grusdat mentioned, you’ll need both the Green/Black non-drive side adapter and the drive side adapter in this case. Since you’re trying to mount your Zwift Ride on the Zwift Hub, you’ll need to insert first the non-drive side adapter, with the black side perceptible to the eye by following this article. Then, the drive side adapter (the silver one) will need to be inserted on your Zwift Cog’s face like in this video.