I’m having the same setup as you and same issues. Did you find a solution?
Hi @Daniel_Atanasovski, still haven’t found a solution.
@Victor and @Daniel_Atanasovski
Let’s step back to confirm what your Garmin speed sensor looks like. If it looks like this first one, Garmin’s Gen 1 Bike Speed Sensor broadcasts ANT+ only and since your iOS devices don’t support ANT+ natively, would explain why it’s not seeing the sensor.
Garmin Speed Sensor 2 broadcasts ANT+ and Bluetooth, so should be visible to your iOS device.
Victor states he has the second one, but Daniel hasn’t said for sure. Would you both please confirm?
Second one. I purchased Speed and cadence 2. Which are both bluethooth and ant+. My phone can definetly see the devices and adds them in zwift. It’s just that when spining only cadence shows data, speed sensor says not connected. I believe this has something to do with the way garmin has designed the new speed sensor to record data on it’s own without external device. I’m looking for confirmation if anyone has gotten the Speed Sensor 2 to work with zwift, and if so to share steps.
@shooj Got it! My mistake, I though I had sensors 2, didn’t realize Garmin made available a newer version of them… sorry for the confusion.
Will try to upgrade to these new ones and try again.
@Victor mystery solved! Wooo!
@Daniel_Atanasovski The gen 2 Garmin sensors are bulletproof. The most common issue with them is a tired battery. Please make sure you have a fresh CR2032 battery.
A common setup mistake is pairing the sensor directly to iOS in the way you pair Bluetooth earbuds. Please check if it’s one of the stored Bluetooth devices in iOS Settings > Bluetooth, and “forget” it by long-pressing the “i” symbol.
Lastly, if you have the Garmin Connect app on your phone and/or a bike computer on your handlebars, it might steal the Bluetooth signal before the Zwift app launches. You may have to remove the Garmin Connect app to prevent this from happening per Garmin’s support site.
i have the EXACT same problem!
i got this view on my ipad
i got this view on my laptop
My 2 iPads & iphone 7 plus dont have.
Shuji! You’re a genius! Yup, it’s a bluetooth stealing issue! i switched off my Edge 520 head unit and i switched off my laptop, both of which was sucking in the bluetooth signal from my speed sensor, and just ran zwift on the ipad and it detected my speed sensor and cadence sensor with no issue.
Thanks man!
Thank you for reporting back and closing the loop. The community appreciates hearing that our suggestions worked!
Glad to help☺️
Hi all - I also have exact same issues as described here. Brand new garmin speed and cadence sensors 2, connecting via Bluetooth to iOS. connected on zwift but no data (says no signal). Have spent a week going through all steps described on this chain (brand new batteries, turned off on Bluetooth, deleted garmin connect app, turned off all other apps / watches, removed / reinstalled, on / off phone etc). Any other advice? very frustrating! Thankyou
I am having the same issue. I have taken all the steps, changed all the battery’s, I get the message. Devices connect but says “no signal”, how is that even possible. I tried logging on through my laptop instead of my phone and get the same message. Everything was working fine up to about one week ago. I have updated everything as well as reinstalling. Anyone have a solution? Thanks.
What device and OS are you using? Since you’re on this thread, I am assuming something iOS, please confirm?
The latest Garmin 2nd gen sensors broadcast 2 Bluetooth signals, which should allow it to pair with the Zwift app + 1 more receiver simultaneously.
- Do you have the Garmin Cadence 2 sensor, or an older one?
- Regardless of older gen / newer gen: Make sure that you don’t have the sensor paired to the OS itself.
- Other things that might be stealing the BLE signal are discussed upstream
- Just because your sensor is new doesn’t mean the battery isn’t weak. Try replacing the inexpensive CR2032 battery to be eliminate this possibility.
I use EDGE130 bundle with CADENCE and SPEED SENSOR but they cannot connect to ZWIFT. tried everything this page had to offer but no luck. both cadence and speed sensor both connect right to the EDGE 130 but not to ZWIFT.