ZPower Profile data inexplicably erased/

Upon looking at profile have noticed after many pace rider sessions that my 5 sec 1 min 5 min and 20 min data on the profile page is erased…please help.

Pace riders don’t contribute to your 5s/15s etc Zwiftpower stats. Only event rides will and they are only your best in a 90 day period.

If you haven’t done any events/races in 90 days, there won’t be any data to show.

I suspected that.Thanks for your help James.Weather here has been glorious but challenging even outdoors at times .Have enjoyed the pace rides for recovery and good pace after longer harder rides outside in our summer.I will have to bite the bullet and start again!! What happens to my category or do I automatically have to start at D.
Not been a member that long and still learning……

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You’ll automatically be placed in a category based on your 20 minute power output for your first event.