I’ve read one previous post stating you are aware of the issue of race power data (in all the various time parameters) not updating soon after the race. In the race on March 2nd, I noticed that all the riders have full data except for me. My 15 second, 30 second and one minute data all have the same number, which I find hard to believe. Any guidance you have would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
You appear to have changed your privacy settings for events from 3rd Feb - events must be public.
Under the Privacy tab on companion, I checked and it was already set to Public under the Activity Privacy Default. Is there something else I need to do? In other races, all my various power data did update eventually, at least I think so.
Doesnt appear to be the case - the green lightning bolt denotes it is using live data for stats, not your fit file which is used for finalised results.
It could be that you have encountered the “live data” issue Zwiftpower team are grappling with, however the fact that the lack of fit files coincides with what is available to public in your activities list is very suspicious.
The public can see your Zwift activities up to “Watopia” 16.7km’s on Feb 2nd which appears to line up with Zwiftpower (your 3R race on 31 Jan I can also see on the Companion App).
Perhaps you are setting individual activities as private??