ZPoints segments

Yesterday I set my best time on a segment called “Breakaway Brae”. I’m a 50+ newbie cyclist, so it wasn’t a great time by Zwifting standards :rofl:. But I did expect to see it appear on the list of my “Fastest segments” on the ZPoints tab in Zwiftpower.

It doesn’t appear there at all. I’m trying to work out why.

My list currently does include 16 entries, for which my best efforts score anything between 263 points and 0 points (!)

I did some rough calculations, and I show 263 points for a segment where I’m 10% slower than the “population average” (Marina sprint). I also show 107 points for “The Clyde kicker”, where my time is 56% worse than the average.

For “Breakaway Brae”, my new time of 01:09 is 19% worse than the population average of 01:22. And yet it doesn’t even appear in the list at all.

I’d be really grateful for any suggestions on why this is the case. Thanks!

PS I do realise only the 6 best segments count toward my ZPoints, and this new one probably wouldn’t be one of those anyway. But I’m curious to understand which segments even appear on the list.

In case it’s relevant, I noticed that my overall ZPoints also has not updated properly.

My ZP race ranking has improved to a scorching 580 (!), while my Segments score is unchanged at 1405 and my Power score is unchanged at 1311.

So I make it that my ZPoints should now be 1405+1311+ (600-580)*6 = 2834 … but it is still showing as 2800, which was the previous total.

Maybe there’s just a big delay in updating some of these stats, even though the race ranking updates immediately ??

Well, my question got answered.

Turns out it just took about 36 hours before the new segment appeared in Zwiftpower.

And my ZPoints got updated too, at the same time

I’ll leave this here in case it helps other newbies in future.

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