zPoints (No data available in table)

My teammate ZPoints page is empty, in both tables Fastest segments in the last 90 days and in Fastest segments in the last 90 days are written No data available in table

His profile id is 1684737

We are riding with him together on the same routes and the same races. And all is fine with my ZPoints but something strange with his.

I’ve seen this happen to someone else this week. Mine are definitely updating and I’m not sure why his are not.

I’ll flag with the team.

Any news?

This is not likely to be a quick fix.

Strangely it doesn’t seem to be universal. Mine are updating (20 minute power is from yesterday) and there doesn’t seem to be any pattern to who it is happening to.

I do wonder if it is something that is only happening to people who have joined ZP after a certain date.