World ICR Race Series

Came across this new race series on Zwift Insider (Oct 28th article).

Is this being organised by Zwift or a 3rd party?

Looks very similar to the TFC Mad Mondays with split cats and both individual and team rankings. Very professional website. Nice alternative to ZRL over the winter months (November 5th 2022 through February 2023) but with more flexibility on days and time zone availability.

Third party I believe

It’s not us, although I created the events.

Only spotted this series in zwiftpower a short while before an event yesterday morning, visited their site and tentartively registered. Now have an email with links to join events from the next round of races, starting Friday 4th Nov.

Two races in and I have far more points than I deserve. Racing in C in the last race of the day we only had 14 people in each race. I came in dead last in the first race and still got 55 points.

I had a chat with him about this - he’s looking to add in an extra euro race to balance the fields.

I suggested that he scored by the zone you race in, which obviously takes away some flexibility.

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I signed up on Thursday but not heard anything yet. Has today’s email with links for the coming week gone out yet?

Still waiting for pass link for coming week.

I made a right hash out of the 1030 event this morning, had it in my head the FTS was the sprint banner at the end of shortened Lady Liberty, so I went easy up the reverse KOM and switched to handbike at the top… Except the reverse KOM was the timed segment! :grimacing: :rofl:

I went all-out on that one yesterday in the Tinies, and my 5 minute power put me in B for Cat Enforcement. Which is both good and bad.:grinning::cry:Should still be fine for C+ in this series and ZRL though.

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Cat Enforcement loves the new york 1.1 km kom☝️


Still no email. Anyone else got this week’s racepass links?

In the middle time zone race for C people were pushing hard and there was some (very) brief discussion from people worried about getting moved up and others said such a short race shouldn’t affect it. Interesting to see that it did affect some people, so thanks for posting.

Looking forward to some longer races this week. The pace of these shorter ones is about to kill me. :slight_smile:

5 minute power won’t affect ZP status, but it is used, I think, by Zwift to calculate VO2max for Cat Enforcement. I use for calculating this and it gives just over 55 for my Saturday 5-min power. Previously I was just under 55. I believe 55 is the threshold for C/B.

1 Like emailed me that my FTP improved by 15 points from Sunday’s C race, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all that it would affect Zwift’s category enforcement.

As far as I’m aware, @James_Zwift set up the races on behalf of W-ICR.

On their Facebook page James stated in one of the threads that Category Enforcement hasn’t been enabled for this series. Not sure whether W-ICR have enabled some kind of custom upgrade or DQ codes though, it’s all very confusing.

When I registered for one of the low C races, the D category was still available to me which suggests that the conventional CE system isn’t being used.

He spent many hours doing so.

Category Enforcement doesn’t work for split categories, which this uses.


Thanks for the clarification James, it’s much appreciated :+1:

I thought as much, since you’d basically given the same response to a query of mine months back regarding split cat-races like TFC’s MM.

It’s nice to have confirmation of this, however.

Same link as last week. Only the links in the link are updated each week so you don’t need a new email each week.

Thanks for that. I didn’t get a signup email so didn’t know about that URL.:+1:t2:

It is 4.2 w/kg MAP/5min power that will upgrade you in CE from C to B which should translate to VO2max 55. It happened to me in the race on Wednesday. I would not be able to repeat any of it in a race longer than 13 minutes as I was totally spent at the end :joy:.

On the other hand, lowering down power on purpose to prevent an upgrade would feel like cheating. Better to give it my all and get PR for 5min power as a reward. Now more fun and smarter racing to come in cat enforced B races :grinning:.