Windows updated and now I cannot launch Zwift. Tried uninstalling Zwift and reinstalling and no luck?
Make sure you are using the steps in this article: Re-Installing Zwift
thanks, will double check.
Tried the suggest, deleted all the mention files. Still will not launch?
OK, is this a personal or work computer?
Are you an admin on the computer?
Have you tried right-clicking on the icon and Run as administrator
Personal and yes I tried that.
Seeing zwiftlauncher.exe application has a date modified as 9/5/19? Could this be out of date?
that uses internet explorer to launch Zwift, did the windows update do something to your browser settings?
You also might want to reset your Edge browser or just try clearing the cookies.
Talking about IE. Did you clear the history and cookies in IE.
If he is fully up-to-date he could be using the Edge browser, but it’s just a new name for the same junk.
IE coexists on Windows 10 systems with Edge, for legacy compatability reasons.
Thanks will try all suggestions
I think the newest version of Edge uninstalls IE, but in Programs>Turn Windows Features on or Off you can reinstall it.
Nothing is working🥶. Going to ride the old fashion way outside. Try again later. Thanks
Interesting, I’ve had the new Edge on my system for quite a while and haven’t needed to do anything with IE. Might be because I’m on Pro. Worth checking though, thanks.
I have only run Win10 Pro and notice that when I updated to the newest version of Edge that IE was gone.
It does and I did turn on IE. Microsoft just sucks.
Did you update it manually? Mine just changed one day. I haven’t installed v2004 yet, if that makes any difference.
I mean, it’d be nice if Zwift didn’t rely on such an old, generally unsupported piece of software…
That could be the difference, I keep mine on the latest update due to managing a network of 100’s of computers (some idiot has to test things out). I use WSUS and GP to manage updates.