Why do I only every have "Live" Data and never "Fit" Files?

In my Zwiftpower Profile I only seem to ever have “Live” data, no “Fit”. Basically everyone in my races have Fit files in due time. Dual recorded today for the first time and went to compare and now can’t do it.
I’m using a Tacx Neo2, AppleTV, and a Garmin dual HR monitor.
Please advise if there’s something I can do!
Thank you

If your activities are set to private, Zwiftpower cannot access the fit file, AFAIK.

Edit - you can compare your recordings - just load your Zwift fit file manually, did it 1 month ago, no problem.

! Shoot, sorry I missed reading that somewhere. Was set to “Followers”
Thank you

Zwiftpower shows a few recent results for me that appear as “live” data instead of from a fit file dating back about a week now. This mostly occurs for events that I have joined after world swapping (usually following another event). My activities are shared and ordinarily are processed from fit files. Any ideas what is going on?

How do you load the Fit file manually to ZP? Ive just notice all my races are live data only, and my settings are already public.

It won’t show up on your main page but I think a way to look at your Fit data is to go to “Analysis” on your profile and run Analysis on the event you want to see Fit data. Usually it’s for dual recording analysis but I was able to do that for my primary Zwift source only and see the Fit data

Hi John,
exactly what Evan posted - you can upload and compare more fit files.
But that does not mean you can upload your activity in an event!

Is there a way to get ZP to re pull the fit files from zwift?

I don’t know, tried yesterday to contact zwiftpower@zwift.com - after finishing a race no upload to Zwift, but live results on ZP.
Sent the fit and log files and screenshot with result after finishing and asked for an upload to ZP.

Let’s see…

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