I’ve done Alp du Zwift 4 times now and the wheel of fortune has only worked once. Please help with this bug.
If I recall correctly, you can’t be in a workout and you can’t have an unused power-up.
You should also not do a u-turn on the Alpe, if you do make a u-turn you need to go back to the start of the segment and make sure you get stars for every segment.
Also start from the bottom, right at the green barrier.
I didn’t get one in Haute Route Stage 2, and I am reasonably sure that I did not have an unused powerup. Oh well.
I don’t know i this helps anyone but I did the alp yesterday while doing a workout and the wheel spun for me. Got the helmet again.
I have made inadvertent but short U turns and still got the wheel.
I’m pretty sure I have gone thru while still in a workout and still got the wheel.
I always do a work out on the way up.
I usually don’t have a power up at this point because I’m always in a work out on the way up and - no power ups in a work out.
That might be the issue.
I have completed it once while in a workout and didn’t get a wheel going. Do I need to do anything specific to spin it?
You don’t have to do anything specific it just pops up once you pass the arch. I have heard of people accidentally doing u-turns briefly on their way up the Alp which negates their attempt towards their badge counter. It is possible that that could affect the wheel as well. Not sure though.
Hmm, no u-turns on that ride. I did the same ride a second time while in a workout and it spun for me. Maybe just have to ride it more than once, or first time was a fluke. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Same bike? I wonder if TT bikes just get xp at the top. I can’t remember, I’m sure I’ve been told.
Yeah, been sticking with the Tarmac since I started the Everest challenge a couple weeks ago
Did it the other day and it just stuck on screen without spinning. Stayed there throughout the descent too, before disappearing when the Alpe segment board went off.