Weight and Height Changes in Events Now Locked [March 2022]

Good point. You could argue they’re implicitly not races in some cases. :+1:t4: However, for many group rides Zwift will tell you that they are explicitly not a race in the ride description or related forum post.

You’ll no doubt have seen many rides with an FAQ question that asks “Is this a race?” with the answer “No…”

Here’s an example: Women's Ride and Run Series 2022 FAQ

Is this a race?
No. These women-only events are socially-paced community rides and runs intended to uplift and encourage women around the world. Ride, run, and connect with the women’s community in-game and IRL.

I guess it can be argued either way whether something like this is implicit or explicit:

Q: Will there be races during the Tour?

A: No, but you are welcome to ride as fast as you like. These are group events and event results won’t be displayed at the end.

(From the https://support.zwift.com/tour-of-watopia-faq-HyMHyrO1c)

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