Wahoo Kickr connected and paired using ANT+ - not moving in game

I have a Wahoo Kickr connected and paired using ANT+ cable but I’m not moving in the game. I was successfully using this same setup (Windows laptop, ANT+ cable and Wahoo Kickr) up through this past May with no problems. Now I show up paired and connected but when I enter Watopia or whatever world I’m not moving when I start pedaling.

I uninstalled the Wahoo app on my phone thinking maybe there was some type of conflict. I know I was able to adjust the resistance on my trainer using that app and it was registering speed. I uninstalled Zwift on my laptop and reinstalled which maybe not logical troubleshooting but really wasn’t sure what to try next. I have the latest firmware installed on my Wahoo. Any recommendations are appreciated.


HI @Kirk_Cooper

Welcome to the forum.

first step pair everything (Power and Cadence) as Wahoo FE-C

Thank you for the reply Gerrie. I am now paired as Wahoo FE-C. Does this look correct?

I did not move in the game after pairing above but maybe there is another step or two? I appreciate your time.

Yes that looks better.

You can test in the Pairing screen you should see power (w) and cadence numbers change if you pedal.

I see you have Bluetooth as well, Check that the trainer is not paired in Bluetooth setting on the PC or any other app on any device.

Also checked the garmin Express is closed (uninstall if not needed)

I think Wahoo had a firmware update?

Thank you. I updated the firmware my Wahoo and it shows to be the latest. I disabled Bluetooth on my laptop. I pedaled maybe 85 RPM and kind of zone 2 level effort on the pairing screen and the numbers did change but not very much at all. My fitness is not great right now but maybe not as bad as these numbers - ha.

I don’t have the Garmin express installed. I am going to check Wahoo settings again. The bluetooth light/indicator is still blinking on my KickR so not sure what is happening there.