Virtual shifting does not work with new Zwift Ride + KICKR Core

we have just to wait that the support find a solution or an update for the app.
It’s already good that the problem has become common so we are sure that support will do something.

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Hello folks,

I wanted to clarify a few things to make sure that folks experiencing a different issue don’t get lumped in with the main issue of the thread. The summary of this issue, as I understand from @Markus_Pro @Luca_Trombin @Chris_Graziano @Olivier_Mesa and , is that resistance is not increasing or decreasing on Kickr Core (or others?) when virtually shifting up or down in Zwift.

Based on the some of the other reports, I would like to verify the following:

  • Do you feel resistance change at all with road gradients in Zwift? (If you’re not sure and want to test, Hilly Route in Watopia has a 6% climb within 2km of the start point. You can set Trainer Difficulty to 100% to help highlight gradient changes).
  • Do you feel the same issue across all [gear ranges and shifting styles](In-Game Settings for Cycling)?
  • In Settings, do you have the option to toggle Virtual Shifting? (It should only be available if Zwift Click or Play is connected. Zwift Ride should not enable this setting.)
  • Which platform did you use to last update firmware on your Kickr Core? (Android or iOS)

Thanks so much all. I look forward to helping further. If you are having this issue and haven’t reached out to Support, please do.

This is correct from my perspective

On a zwift ride, kickr core, and the virtual shifting visual displays increase decrease in gear but resistance is unchanged.

Additionally there is no option in settings for virtual shifting.

This did not work for me. I removed cadence but still no resistance. I think the problems lies in the fact that the virtual shift setting is completely gone .

Hi Chris,

If you are on Zwift Ride, Virtual Shifting is on by default and will not be available in Zwift’s in-game settings.

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I have the exact same issue most people are describing here:
Zwift Ride, Wahoo Kickr Core, nothing happens when shifting up or down and no resistance is felt. I need to pedal 110+rpm to get to 70-80w tops.

I can feel a very light increase in resistance when I am on a climb. I have no option to toggle virtual shifting on or off. This is a new occurrence as it used to work for months.

Support said it’s a bug…

I am on Samsung Galaxy Tablet.

Hi Rowdy, @Rowdy

Yes the issue is that resistance is not increasing or decreasing on Kickr Core when virtually shifting up or down in Zwift.

I just tried the resistance with the gradient of the slope and it works, you can feel it changing the hardness of the pedaling ( just with the gradient not with the virtual shifting ).
When I use the virtual shifting it doesn’t work on all gears and on all trim types.
( Zwift ride setup )


Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing the same issue. I also have a Zwift Ride, and while the trainer correctly adjusts resistance based on gradient changes, there is no difference in resistance with virtually shifting gears.

I’ve been in contact with both Zwift Support and Wahoo Support over the past few days, but so far, there has been no successful resolution to the issue.

Best regards,

Thank you, understood.

Glad to see the rush of people reporting the same issue here. Hope that puts more resources to resolving.


Hi guys, I also opened a topic in a Facebook group and some people seem to suggest doing a hard reset of the controllers, i.e. by holding down the Z button for about thirty seconds and then reconnecting them. I guess you have to do this via Zwift Companion, before starting Zwift App. Has anyone already tested this method?

Hi, Rowdy.
The problem is this: the resistance does not change despite the gear change.

There is a difference in resistance when the slope of the road changes.

Sometimes I have the impression that the resistance is zero at all speeds, sometimes I have the impression that it gets a little harder in the last gears.

The virtual gear change option is not available. I have Zwift Ride but it seems to me that when I first installed it, this option was there.

In training mode, if I disconnect the ERG and set the gradient option to 100% (in Zwift companion), the speeds change as they should with the resistance changing as it did at the beginning. But this only applies during training. As soon as training ends, there is no longer any resistance to the change in speed.
I’m not sure if that explanation was very clear :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t they temporarily pull the Ride+Core from the shop? A bunch of newbie purchasers are going to be really confused as these continue to deliver and they can’t get them to work together.

many people don’t seem to have any problems, which makes the concern even stranger.

Hello all,

We’re still looking into this. I wanted to confirm one more thing:

- Which platform did you use to last update firmware on your Kickr Core? (Android or iOS)

Thank you so much for keeping this thread updated.

ANDROID, on tablet and smartphone

Also Android. Same problem here…

I don’t know if my wahoo has already received an update since I have it (2-3 weeks ago) but the Wahoo app is installed on an Android device too.

I also performed an update using the Wahoo app on Android device.

(post deleted by author)