No resistance change when shifting gears on Zwift Ride and Wahoo Kickr Core

Hey everyone,

I’ve seen quite a few posts about similar issues but I couldn’t find a solution for my problem yet. My Zwift Ride and Kickr Core have had a few problems over the last few weeks but usually after a few restarts or connecting directly via bluetooth instead of companion app have solved it. Now, nothing helps anymore…

It started today when I noticed the gears were a little bit off - I usually ride with 100-110W on gear 14/15 on a flat route but it felt like the resistance shortly went up and then back down after shifting and it wasn’t until gear 19/20 that I was able to get to 100-110W again on a flat route.

I tried to restart / reconnect and then I wasn’t able to shift at all anymore. When connecting the Kickr Core directly to the Wahoo app, I can change resistance but in Zwift, virtual shifting will change the shown gear on the screen but not the resistance. Going uphill will also not change the resistance at all.

I tried connecting with the companion app on two different Android phones, I tried direct bluetooth connection on an Apple TV and Windows laptop but neither worked. Anyone any ideas on what I can try next?

I made sure that only the device I was connecting with was on and turned the other devices completely off, unplugged the Apple TV, etc. so I don’t think it’s a device interfering problem (but who knows…).

Any help will be greatly appreaciated!

Hi @su_sunshine

Hi. Welcome to the forums. This is Hazie from Zwift. I’m glad you shared your inquiry about the resistance issues here. I understand how important this is.

I highly recommend you to do a spindown calibration following this article from Wahoo, which might be of help.

Also, I recommend you try [using the Zwift Companion App as a Bridge].(Using the Zwift Companion App as a Bridge)

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.

Hi Haziel,
thanks for the reply. I tried the companion app, it didn’t work two days ago.
I am now using a different computer and it started working again, I don’t know what the problem was but it is fine now.

Thanks & best regards

Hi @su_sunshine,

Thanks for keeping us posted! This is Jose from Zwift.

We are glad to know that the situation with your resistance has been resolved, in fact, the most common thing when this usually happens is when the trainer has not been calibrated or is on an outdated firmware version.