Hey there, after the latest update (iOS) I am experiencing an issue with virtual shifting: I have the Zwift Cog v2 on my Wahoo Kickr Core (all on latest Firmware). When I connect the Clickr in the game app and start a ride, the resistance drops to zero immediately. When I disconnect the Clickr, i can continue the ride as normal, but am limited to the one gear of the Cog. I find it strange, that this issue appeared first to me after an update that was supposed to address this issue (as far as I understood). Anyone else had this in the last days and knows what to do? Thanks in advance!
Hello @Lukas_Bartzsch welcome to Zwift forum.
Shuji at Zwift HQ here.
We made a change last month where Virtual Shifting starts initially in an easier gear. If you have virtual shifting enabled in the game settings menu, and you’re using a KICKR Core + Click controller, you should start out in virtual gear 8. Please confirm?
If you manually shift up to gear 12, does it feel like the resistance you were used to prior to this change?
It starts in Gear 8, yes. Shifting upwards does not change anything regarding resistance, the HUD shows 0 Watts and I can spin absolutely free.
Check the in game settings menu after your trainer and Click are paired.
In the Hardware tab - there should be a setting to enable Virtual Shifting. Is that set to on?
Yes, it is enabled.
Hmmm. Because it’s a KICKR Core using firmware 1.5.36, you may want to do a manual spindown to resolve a power offset issue.
See this page on Wahoo’s support site and follow the links to the manual spindown. After you do the spindown, unplug power from the trainer and reboot to save those settings to the trainer.
Would you try that and let us know if that solves it for you?
Hey there,
the issue is still existing, no matter what i try. Today I also experienced very abrupt changes in resistance while virtual shifting was turned on. You should be able to see that in the logfiles of the two attempts to ride today.
Any news of what causes this issue? Zwift is more and more becoming unusable to me regarding free rides or group rides which is very frustrating.