Hi all.
Brand new to Zwift. Currently encountering a few issues, which some I gather are ongoing regarding Elite …
(1) Using a brand new Elite Turbo Muin with Misuro B+. I have set it up correctly including the right settings on the Misuro B+. I have also turned the belt tension up many times already based on other suggested fixes. I have correctly allowed Zwift to use the Misuro B+ as a Power source and not speed source, bridged via the Android Zwift Companion App.
Elite have an app called “myETraining” which let’s you setup and pickup the sensors for the first time correctly. It has a “level” training mode where you just pedal away and it shows you a screen of data. This data is pretty much correct (+/- 5%) versus real life in terms of the correlation between watt, RPM and speed (kmh). It also correlates correctly to how I physically feel when riding in real life.
Now comparing the Elite “myETraining” data to Zwift figures. When riding, I look at Zwift and concurrently have the Elite app open in front of me. I am getting around 20% higher Zwift speed readings and 5-10% higher watt readings. The problem is worse when more effort is deployed by me (e.g. standing sprint). For example, the Elite data tells me 110 watts & 70 RPM & 20kmh. Zwift tells me 120 watts & 70 RPM & 30kmh (yes, RPM is pretty much matching between the two).
What makes the Zwift figures more unbelievable is that the bike I have on the Elite Turbo Muin is an old Orbea 8 speed, running compact 50/34 cranks and an 11-28 cassette. The experience I mention above was when I was in the small chainring (34T) and 16T cassette cog. My “real life riding” bike has a mid-compact 52/36 and an 11-28 cassette. I know for a fact that for me to get to 30kmh on the flats, I have to crank much faster than 70 RPM on the 16T cog, and also I am turning over a 36T chainring which has 2 teeth more than the Orbea!
As a result, I am easily overtaking other Zwift riders like I’m high on some special asthma inhalers. Apparently Zwift support have “resolved” this case, but I don’t think it is really resolved…
Any other tips anyone can give me? I think Zwift need to rejig their maths so that some Turbo Trainers data are downsized … I just don’t get how the Elite app data is correct but Zwift is wrong as both software systems are reading from the same source.
(2) I have a Garmin 935 watch. It has an in-built heart rate monitor. It has a feature where I can broadcast my HR using ANT+. The Elite app (that I mentioned above) picks my HR up perfectly fine and is accurate. The Zwift Companion App does not at all. It picks up only the Misuro B+ but nothing else. So, it is clear that my phone picks up the HR data just fine, but Zwift says no.
Has anyone got their smart watch to broadcast the HR successfully to work with Zwift? Any other tips?
(3) Every time I exit a ride, after either selecting “save” or “discard”, the Zwift app crashes and totally exits back to Windows.
Is this normal?
(4) In the Zwift Companion App, is there a way to start your ride, as in actually press the go/ride button? I only see a stop button…
~Thanks everyone. Issue #1 is the biggest problem of course. I just don’t see the point of using Zwift if I am “cheating” all the way.