Hi, when I log into Zwift always appears the message » Unable to Launch Zwift App. Please try again. If problems persist, please contact Zwift Support «.
I’ve reinstalled many times, but still not working.
I am having a similar problem with a windows 10 install. it won’t update, won’t run. been waiting on support ticket for days. I was able to get on with an older computer but I ride about 5-8 minutes and the program crashes my computer. happens every time.
Yesterday when I launched Zwift, the app froze. I tried relaunching but still had no luck. I reinstalled Zwift, but now I can’t get beyond a white screen after logging on. Subsequent reinstallations provided same results. Yesterday was also the first day I tried to launch Zwift since updating to Windows 10. I reverted to Windows 8 and still no luck. Help please.
I’m having the same problem with 10.11.2… Unable to Launch Zwift App. Please try again. If problems persist, please contact Zwift Support «.
I’ve reinstalled many times, but still not working.
Everything worked excellent prior to this Mac OS update. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Yup, re-download the installer from www.zwift.com (it’s small) and the game will run. We’re sorting out a fix for older launchers, but for now just grab the latest and you’ll be up and running in a few minutes.