TrainingPeaks workouts for Zwift running

From what I gather reading older posts on this topic, I believe workouts are only pushed from TP to Zwift if they are programmed using % of heart rate threshold. Therefore if a coach programs a run using pace, the workout will not show in Zwift the day it’s programmed. Is this still true? Does anyone have a workaround? Is Zwift planning on doing anything about this???

I just checked. I can see my TrainingPeaks runs that are speed-based in the “custom” workouts folder.

Hi @Luke_Smith2827, welcome to Forums! I’m Francisco from Zwift Support.

Custom workout has many options and variations on Zwift as you can see in the articles shared by Paul. Thanks for bringing up this concern.

  • TrainingPeaks workouts must have a unique title—that doesn’t include special characters, including symbols and punctuation.
  • TrainingPeaks workouts must be based on % FTP and duration for cycling and % of threshold pace and distance/duration for running to show up in Zwift.
  • Make sure your FTP is the same in Zwift and your third-party platform to get the most out of your workouts.
  • The workouts you create in TrainingPeaks™ will automatically show up in Zwift on the day they are scheduled.

I hope that clears things up a bit. If you need more details, check out this article:

Custom Workouts