Can’t find training peaks workouts on 1.73

iOS on version 1.73 sent my workout from TP to Zwift and was unable to find it🤷‍♂️is it in a different location and I just missed it?

Hi @Keith_Martin, welcome to Zwift forums!
In general, TrainingPeaks workouts need to fit a handful of criteria in order to properly sync to Zwift. They must:

  1. Have a unique title in without special characters, symbols, or punctuation
  2. Be based on duration and % of FTP (for cycling), or either distance/duration and % of threshold pace (for running)
  3. Be scheduled in your TrainingPeaks calendar for some time in the next 1-7 days

Workouts with no title or the same title as other workouts may not sync properly, and workouts based on the incorrect format or scheduled for past dates will not sync at all.

I see that your TrainingPeaks workout synced properly on September 4, so you may want to double check that the workout you were attempting to sync on the 5th meets the requirements above. If your workout is setup properly, but still not syncing, please feel free to reach out to us in Support so we can take a closer look!