I’m following the “build me up” plan. I’m at week 6 now and there are 5 trainings scheduled this week. Today is Wednesday and I want to ride this week’s traing no. 3/5 tonight. It fits my life puzzle much better to ride it tonight rather than having a rest day. However Zwift companion says it won’t be availible until Thursday. Does it work to change the computer’s day to unlock the next training ahead of time?
Have you tried this yet? Curious how it worked.
Tried it. Didn’t work to change the computer’s date.
I know what you mean about those 5 day workout weeks starting in week 6. I prefer to do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Saturday but the timing of the breaks between workouts has changed. That forces me to do three workouts later in the rather than earlier. It used to be perfect for me and allow you to do that but not anymore for whatever reason. It imbalances the workout week for me since with that training plan the first three workouts during that time frame are all one hour while the last two are an hour and a half or more.
One thing I did notice recently is a workout that I wanted to skip and didn’t want to cheat and click on the “I did it” seemed to be holding back the release of the next workout. I went ahead and clicked “I did it “ and my next workout was immediately released. I won’t do another Zwift training plan once I finish this one. Too much hassling with the locked workouts.
I am having the same problem. I don’t understand why Zwift lock a program if it fails to be done by its allotted time frame.
This is not " FREE" and we all pay a monthly fee therefore we should have more control over when we choose to do these training rides.
Most folk who use this platform are ordinary non professional riders with hectic and family life styles that can’t always allow them to do the set ride by a specific date.
To lock them out and thus eventually not allowing them to effectively finish the program is just ridiculous.
Never had this problem with Trainer Road !!!