Too high resistance with Elite Suito in workout mode

I purchased a new Elite Suito 2 weeks ago and have been having troubles with resistance suddenly ramping up, to the degree I can hardly turn the pedals. I have experienced it in training (ERG) mode, and seems to be that as soon as it hits 280 watts, it ramps up majorly - below 280 I am experiencing resistance as I’d expect, but above that it triggers an extreme reaction in the trainer where I basically grind to a halt unable to turn the pedals at all hardly. I have tried recaliberating it a few times through Zwift, but hasn’t made a difference. I dont seem to experience the problem outside training mode. Anyone else experience this and know a fix? Thanks in advance!

Hi @Peteswa

Welcome to the forum.

See if this help.

All About Erg Mode in Zwift | Zwift Insider.

Hi, I am experiencing the same issue and I don’t think it’s a result of the Erg mode. For example today I was riding a workout with 7x2 min on 170 watts, nothing too hard. But after 3rd-4th effort the resistance was so high that I could not pedal at all and shifting didn’t change that. The problem last even in breaks when I was supposed to ride on 100 watts. I tried to calibrate but it didn’t help. Eventually I had to turn off Suito as source of power and just used my quark. Any suggestions?

This sounds like the “spiral of death”, did your cadence drop way down during the 4th effort?

It had to, the resistance became so high I was unable to pedal. It also stayed that way during the break - I couldn’t pedal through 100 watts break. I had no problem to continue the efforts on the given watts/cadence after turning off Suito as the controller.