Ah, so more “Jarvis the Bear” Easter egg.
With the latest game update, several routes that were previously “Event Only” have now become accessible as free rides, with Route Completion badges.
Maybe old hat to some but they were new again to me:
On the New York map, near the northern baseball diamonds (approx. 6km into the route if I’m reading ZwiftMap.com correctly), there’s a baseball player facing the road, smacking his bat menacingly at you as you ride by. (no screenshot of that - I think I was just too surprised)
13.1km into the Richmond UCI Reverse route, at the monument, there’s a dude in the spectator stands wearing a giant foam Zwift costume, jumping up and down. Caught some sub-optimal screen caps, probably because I was laughing out loud. You go, little dude.
As an aside: I don’t think I really appreciated the Richmond map until my ride of the Richmond UCI Reverse which just got its own route badge. The attention to detail is stunning.