Should there be some point in time where after a rider has disappeared from the course they should also drop off the leader board? I’m not at all bothered by the fact I likely won’t be beating the KOMs set by some of the pro riders y’all have testing out Zwift but I’d like a shot after he’s gone at holding the jersey with the rest of us mortals.
That is in fact the intent, and I suspect that change will go live in the next several weeks. We want the jersey to constantly be changing hands, and always in the world.
Awesome! That’s def one of my biggest concerns with the leader board setup.
I like Walter idea! Something like the way the strava group/club leaderboard works. But not everyone on Zwift is on strava, so this would be just for us and maybe see how we stack up against the pros on Zwift.
I was also wondering if there should be a time shown per lap? I realise this wont be relevant for all future courses, but for now it would be good to see peoples lap times etc. especially helpful when dropping in on a ride to get near a rider of similar ability and not bugging a 500W gorilla… Would also be great to see Daily, Weekly and Monthly “hot laps”. Would make it feel even more like Richmond Park, London for me…
Earlier this week I put in a pretty hard effort to take the Polka Dot jersey. A couple of laps later someone came on and put up an outrageous time of 9.56 on that segment, which is obviously some sort of error…but I had to look at that time my whole ride, long after that person logged off!