I did Highline on Saturday and got the achievement.
It’s not a bug.
Routes generally don’t begin until you pass beneath a starting arch, which in this case is the KOM arch. Everything before that is just lead-in, in this case about 5km. Add that to the 11km course length, and you needed to complete 16km to get the badge when you passed beneath the forward KOM arch a second time. You gave up 3km too early, when you passed where the lead-in began.
At least it’s a fairly short course, and NY is back on the calendar Tue & Wed.
If you look at the image of the map you posted you will see that some of the path is blue, and some is white. The blue portion in the ‘lead in’ and is not actually a part of the actual route, or route distance. As was mentioned in the other post, routes will begin and end at an arch of some sort. So, once you pass the starting arch for this route you will then have to go the prescribed 10.5 km from that point, and you will then pass an arch at the end of the route.
I just don’t understand why The Highline route indicates a distance of 10.5km when in fact one needs to ride 15.6km (an increase of nearly 50%!!) and 73% MORE in elevation gain ).
Thanks for investigating. I see what you mean. How is it possible to change course other than selecting the navigation popups? Running the route via Apple TV app makes it impossible to navigate (no touch screen or mouse click). I just kept pedalling.
I did the Highline on 28th Jan. and got the badge when i rode through the KOM Arch the second time. It starts and ends at the KOM Arch, so you have to climb that first climb as Lead-in.
@Ian_Lyons1 Zwift list the distance of the lap, so if you do multiple laps you know what to expect. On some routes there is a lead in, that is indicated on the map with a blue line when you select the route in game.
I have ridden the route 4 times and never got the badge. If I compare the route that I followed (no deviations) it’s quite different that the route in the mini-view when selecting rides than the route that followed when staring the ride. Different ride start point fo one thing. Here’s the ride that I did after selecting The Highline
I just did a test, I chose the Highline from the menu, spawned on the glass roads and rode to the bottom of the KOM, a little over 2 miles, without issue.
Same here (minus the ride). Mac, latest version. Looks like the lead-in on the route description map is wrong as the blue line starts on the ground level near the lap banner.