Tacx calibration not working in Zwift

Tried to look for that. But there is no option. I click on the spanner icon and it takes me straight to the calibration page. I tried this again but it did not work.

Hi gerrie. Sorry for the slow reply. As a new forum member I only had a limited amount of replies I could use in the first 24 hours. Anyways. There is no message but when you click on the icon it then asks you to perform a calibration spindown. But for me this does not work. It does state on Zwift to perform regular calibrations to ensure it is accurate. The fact that I can not do this suggests a problem? Either with my trainer or Zwift? I tried to ride again last night and the first attempt stopped working after almost 7 minutes. I was peddling but no wattage was appearing. I closed the application and started again. I started riding on watopia and I think I started climbing the alp du Zwift. This sort of worked although I was climbing 10 -14% inclines in the big ring and the middle of my cassette spinning at 90-100 cadence Which does not seem normal. I would not have previously been able to climb on Zwift like this with very little resistance in terms of the incline. Would you think this sounds normal? I also went on the Tacx app last night. Recalibrated the trainer and checked for any updates. Which stated none were needed. I have tried to go on Zwift this morning again but it would not connect to my trainer at all. I have been able to contact Tacx this morning and speak to someone who apparently is going to try too look into it?! I have still not received any thing back from Zwift technical support. Not sure what else I can do realistically. I have followed the advice on support. Joined the Zwift forum to try to get help and have contacted Zwift support numerous times over the past 4 days without a response.

Any help and replies is much appreciated.

Zwift Support is swamped right now so the forums are stepping in to assist just a little more right now.

Let’s start over, can you give us a full rundown on your setup including your device specs and how you are connecting (ANT+ or BLE).

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I use a macOS version 10.13.6 (2017) With the latest Zwift application downloaded. I have a Tacx FLUX smart serial no: T290026170361. On Saturday 11th April I wanted to ride the mega pretzel loop. After riding for a while and starting to climb it was clear that the resistance was not matching the effort. I was climbing far too easily with no difference between a 2% and a 10% grade. I quit the application and tried to load again. I pressed the spanner icon to perform a spindown calibration. This would not take me past the 3rd stage. Even after 20 minutes of trying. I tried again I think later in the day with the same problems. Can’t remember exactly. I tried again to perform the calibration spindown on Sunday 12th a few times without success. I checked the Tacx app to calibrate and download any upgrades and according to them this is all correct. I tried to perform the Matt hayman Roubaix workout. Although I completed it was far too easy. The wattage or power was well out! Again checked Tacx utility app and all is correct!? Tried to go on Zwift this morning (Tuesday 14th April) and it would not pair to my trainer at all.
I’ve tried contacting Zwift support and following their advice which has led me to here. I am still no closer to determining if it is a Zwift problem or my trainer. I have been able to contact Tacx support through Garmin. They are going to do what they can and look into it. Feel free to browse my earlier replies in the forum as I cant exactly remember the conversations I’ve had.

Are you connecting the trainer using ANT+ or Bluetooth?

Don’t do the calibration on Zwift, use one of the Tacx Apps.

Check your Difficulty Slider.

Do a speed test using https://www.speedtest.net/ pick a server in California and post your results. Ping times could make a difference.

I’ve done the calibration on the Tacx app many many times over the past 4 days. This does not fix the problem. It states that the calibration has worked on the Tacx app.

OK, then there is no need to do it on Zwift. It is recommended by Zwift to use the manufactures app over Zwift to calibrate.

I will try that this evening. My wife is working and I have the kids. One is asleep on me now. The advice on the forums is too not use the Zwift calibration. I have followed this and used the Tacx utility calibration every time this has been suggested. But this does not fix the problem.

Thanks for getting back to me. I will try your suggestions when I can.

Do you work for Zwift? They might want to fix their replies for their emails that state someone will get back to you in 24 hours. I know they are obviously very busy trying to keep up with the increase and demand but this does not help. Might be better to state that it could take days or longer to receive a response.

Not, I am just a User Forum Admin.

How are you connecting the trainer to the MAC? Are you use ANT+ or Bluetooth?

I’ve done that. The problem is still here though. I’ve used the system for a couple of years without many issues. Anything previously has been fixed with the latest software upgrade Through the Tacx utility app. Or sometimes Zwift will say downloading software updates. I have always been able to plug in and go. Which is ideal when you have kids and a job etc. This is the first problem I have encountered where I am unable to use the product. I have followed the support advice. I’ve tried contacting them. I’ve joined the forum and tried to get help through this. But I am still in the position of not knowing if it’s a problem with the trainer or the Zwift application. As I’ve already stated I’ve contacted Tacx/Garmin and been able to talk on the phone to someone. I am now waiting on their reply. Unfortunately I have not received any contact from someone that works for Zwift.

Thanks for the suggestions

I don’t know. I have the iMac laptop with the Zwift application on the desk top. I assume that it connects through Bluetooth? I turn the computer on and select Zwift. The trainer is also turned on. Lights flash. Zwift then automatically pairs with my Tacx flux smart trainer and I continue. No plug in dongle or anything else is required. I am quite technologically inept!

I wonder if the older version of your OS is the issue. Can you upgrade it?

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Any way you can get an ANT+ dongle, that could also help in solving the issue.

I can try

Maybe. Can’t pop down the shops just now though. Seems strange that one day it works without needing this. Then not the next. Do you think I might be able to put my subscription on hold in the meantime.

Usually perform any software upgrades for the iMac when they become available. I’ll try that later when I can. Thanks

I usually keep the software up to date and perform the software upgrades when prompted. I’ll have a look later when I can.


I just read on another thread that the Tacx Flux has a new firmware update that came out last week, it pretty closely correlates to when you started having issues. Have you updated the firmware on the trainer?

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Yep. I updated it maybe a week or so ago! What seems to be the issue? Whereabouts did you find this information? I did the update and it worked initially. At least for several days maybe almost a week?! Could that mean Zwift does not support this software update? Or is it likely a Tacx problem?

Thanks for getting back to me. Much appreciated.

I still feel it’s pretty poor that it is not Zwift replying though. I’d be interested to see how many other people experience problems with contacting their support team. Whether at the moment or previously.

Please remember that we just came off a holiday weekend, I don’t think they work weekends anyway, and due to the lock downs all staff are working from home while having to home school their kids. Zwift has seen a gigantic increase in new members in the last 3 or 4 weeks and support is very backlogged. They aren’t ignoring you, there are just thousands of requests ahead of yours and it takes many hours to get through them all.

The other thread is linked here:

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