I’d love to be able to control how my ride is shared on Strava when uploading from Zwift. It’s a small thing, but I hate having to sometimes “defend” my Zwift rides to buddies on Strava (e.g., the weather was great, but I couldn’t ride outside during daylight due to other commitments), so it would be nice if you could select how the ride is shared on Strava just like it is on Zwift when saving the file (public, followers, private).
Your buddies sound like jerks! My wife and I both have full time jobs, 2 kids, numerous family commitments, I volunteer as a board member of a local non-profit, I’m the assistant coach on my daughters soccer team, and I am currently pursuing an MBA one night a week.
I’m lucky if I can get outside and ride twice a week, the rest of the time I’m indoors on Zwift at either 10 p.m. or 5 a.m. Not all of us have the luxury of going outside and riding for a few hours whenever we feel like it.
Maybe you should start asking your Strava friends to defend their countless outside rides, don’t they have any responsibilities? Good for you for getting rides in when you can and forget all the haters!
I’m in the same boat as you. Most of the grief I get is tongue in cheek, but yes, it can be a bit jerk-y. I still think it would be a cool feature though. Now I have to manually go to Strava to make it private if I don’t feel up to talking about the ride.
Hey Everyone!
So Strava actually controls their own Privacy Settings, which includes what is visible to who. I believe changing the ‘Activity’ setting to ‘Only Me’ will make it so other people can’t see the activities you upload, how ever, it effects all activities, not just Zwift.
There is also an option under Privacy on Strava called ‘Promoting my activities to my followers’. Clicking the box not allowing this will make it so people aren’t notified about your uploads, further reducing visibility if you keep your settings to followers only.
Any further questions about Strava and their privacy policies are best handled by Strava support.
David. Just upload them, be happy and forget about the ‘jerk’ remarks. You don’t have to defend yourself or your riding to anyone. Your circumstances mean that snatching quality sessions on Zwift are your limit at the moment.
For what it is worth i have a few riding buddies that scoff at the amount of times i ride on Zwift (father of one, full time job etc) so i take great delight in riding them off my wheel when i do get outside.