End ride privacy setting doesn't translate to Strava or other third party apps

TIL that that the selection between public, followers only, or private in the end ride window does not translate to any third party apps to which your activity is being saved. In my case, my activity writes to Strava. I wasn’t interested in publicly publishing the results of my ramp test to Strava, so I selected private. My friendly Strava followers were quick to give me kudos. I was quite shocked.

I recommend the Zwift design team help users better understand the limits of that privacy selection.

Welcome to the foums @Cameron_Gross

You could vote up this …

Same applies to all integrations, not just Strava.

In the meantime, you could try contacting the author of activityfix.com and see if he could add changing of privacy settings to his rules based app. I currently use the app to change the bike type recorded in Strava from my default bike, to something else based on ride type (“virtual ride” I think is what Zwift send to Strava), so adding an option to change activity privacy to private/followers etc should be possible, if Strava let him access that in the API.

Unfortunately Strava does not allow changing the activity status (public or private) via their API. So ActivityFix, Strautomator and other similar services won’t help much :frowning:

That’s unfortunate - thanks for the info Igor.

^ ^ ^This is true. The privacy settings you choose for each Zwift activity can’t override the default Privacy settings you chose for your Strava account.

The good news is: you have to ability to manually edit the privacy settings for each Strava activity to Everyone / Followers / Only You. See this Strava support page for a how-to.