Been doing a few tests and I still seem to have an issue with my Android setup.
Using a dumb trainer, cadence, speed and HR chest strap all connected to my Samsung tablet via ant+ and working fine. Works OK, no issues for as long as I ride…
If I connect everything the same and add the Sterzo smart via Bluetooth (not possible with ant+ in Zwift at the moment), all looks OK and works… For a couple of minutes then I loose all my ant+ connections. I can restart the app and reconnect everything but the same thing happens again.
I’ve put the logs through zwiftalizer but nothing obvious to my untrained eye… It says I’m not using the latest version of the app but on android it is the latest !
It’s getting very frustrating now so I’m hoping that Zwift can suggest a solution.
Did this get resolved? I’m interested in the Sterzo, and would also be on Android with Ant+sensors.
I ended up just using Bluetooth only on my android pad, not using ant+.
All devices connected to the pad including the Sterzo. The android phone using the companion app needs Bluetooth turning off.
Once that is done, try to connect using the same WiFi access point and all will be good…
It has worked perfectly since turning the Bluetooth off on the companion app phone.
Thanks for the tip. I do know that it’s BLE-only, but I’ve not found a problem in mixing sensors so far. As long as it works one way or another though, that’s fine.
Im using Sterzo smart for 2 weeks now on Android 10 ( my trainer with Ant+ connection on zwift and HR + Sterzo with Bluetooth on zwift compagnion) and everything works fine for me.
That’s encouraging. My wife’s keen to get me one as a Christmas present, and I don’t want to disappoint her (or me!) by having it not work properly.