Since IOS18 update Zwift is unusable

Just bumping this issue back to the top.

I am literally at my wits end with Zwift and IOS compatibility and don’t know if I should cut my losses and leave zwift.

Currently companion and Zwift connected via Mac and iPhone and Apple Watch takes about an hour of fiddling around to connect and then during a ride connection is lost.

If anyone can think of a fix it will make my day.

Thank you in advance

I recommend reading this topic if you haven’t already:

I’m dealing with the same issue since the Apple iOS update. Phone is Apple Pro Max 15. I have a Kickr V5 running through Apple TV. I have updated the Apple TV, Kickr via the Wahoo app and the Companion app. Deleted and reinstalled all of the above several times. The Companion app shows Bluetooth initially connects but then it drops out and I get a low consistent watt reading until it finally just stops. TickR HR monitor seems to connect just fine. Very frustrating.

I’m having a very similar issue since updating to iOS 18.2, with TVOS 18.2 (and all the latest Zwift versions)

I used to always use Companion app on my phone to connect all my equipment (Kickr Core, Play Controllers, Tickr HRM). But since 18.2 my phone keeps dropping its connection intermittently.

Weirdly, I found I can use Companion app on my iPad instead (also iOS 18.2) and it works fine. But it’s not ideal, as I then can’t use the iPad to watch a film while riding.

Any ideas on what to do? Thanks.

Update: I deleted & reinstalled the Zwift companion app, and it worked. There was a pop-up about allowing the app to use Bluetooth … but I think that was on before (because the problem had been intermittent).

Posting this in case it helps anyone in a similar position.

I re-installed the companion app on my iphone. It is now showing up on my apple watch (thankyou for that advice), but it isn’t connecting to Bluetooth on my apple watch…not sure what to do now! Any more advice would be greatly appreciated.

Any solutions yet from Zwift? Reinstalled Companion app, turned off all other Bluetooth connections, but still won’t connect with iOS 18.

I used to always use Companion app on my phone to connect all my equipment (Kickr Core, Play Controllers, Tickr HRM). But since 18.2 my phone keeps dropping its connection intermittently.