Can someone help me?
Take a look here - could be similar / the same issue?
I’ve also seen the blacked out photos a few times this week. For me it only seems to happen on the automatic screenshot, when I take my own it works fine.
And as was mentioned in another thread, it is only when showing the UI elements on the affected screenshot, if I turn it off the clean screenshot shows fine.
This is on a pretty powerful Android tablet, no HDMI or casting involved
Did anyone actually figure out how to resolve this. Upgraded tablet from Apple to Android and now all pictures are black?? Any ideas.
for me it worked when i switch my pc to window view on zwift.
with my tablet it works normal.
I am only using a tablet. It is brand new with no photos stored…bit of a mystery??
This happened to me when I set Screen Mode to Full Screen mode on Windows. Went back to Windowed mode and all good again.
I have used full screen mode (Windows 10 PC to one monitor) for my entire history on Zwift and have never once had this issue. Must be some specific setting/configuration or software conflict that causes it.
I used to get this when i used it on an old phone (Honor view 10) but only on that phone, others were fine
only time i get the black image is on an android tablet where you are unable to turn off the automatic screenshot, had it happen last night
Sorry for necroing old topic, but just ran into it (black automatic screenshots taken during workout on PC->hdmi->TV as a single monitor setup) lately as well.
My testing shows that i get black screenshots when:
a) zwift is in fullscreen AND
b) zwift is NOT on foreground, eg the focus is on another maximized windowed app, be it browser, program or something else
So, it makes sense that at least some graphics cards drivers optimize card workflow by not actually updating/drawing a picture on zwift when it is not visible to user. This is also why it works fine when you have zwift windowed, use two monitors or happen to be on the zwift view when it takes the automatic snapshot.
I have a similar setup. I’ll test it on mine to see what happens. I assume you’re taking the photo using companion app?
they said it was the auto screenshot.
if you look at your previous activities you should be able to see if it happened or not - although if you haven’t noticed i’d guess not.
Ah yes, definitely not got any in my photos folder but then for 99% of the time Zwift is in the foreground.
I don’t think auto screenshots (the ones being uploaded with the activity) are actually saved to the photos folder (or at least persisted in there), but I am not sure. At least i cannot recall seeing photos folder with 100-s of screenshots in it even when it worked as expected.
They are stored in there yes. They don’t get auto deleted.
Videos are the same.
They get stored when taken regardless if you save the activity or not.
if you have video screenshots enabled it saves them to the videos folder.
would be good if you could turn it off but currently you can’t
I tested this today by making another app primary whilst Zwifting and then taking a screenshot via the companion app and yes i can confirm the screenshot was black.
Yes, i rechecked as well, you are correct. Also the black screenshots are just empty image files, same size, some hundred bytes, so clearly it is not an image/file corruption, but basically screen “not existing” at the time of taking the screenshot.
Easiest fix from zwift side would be to not take snapshots when window is inactive and take them as soon as autosnapshot timer has triggered AND window becomes active – or just not save the snapshot if the file is under certain size.