Black screen when taking screen shots

All of my photos I take come out Black the photo is saved but it just apperars to be black.

I`m running windows and taking the photos without the companion app.
Does anyone know why or able to offer help to fix

Appreciate any help


Are you running duplicate screens? (i.e. laptop and TV) That seemed to be one of the causes according to this archived thread.

No just single monitor. I have seen that thread unsure what is causing it.

This happens to me when Zwift display is set to “Full Screen”. When I change the setting to “Window”, screen shots aren’t black anymore.


I also only get black screen shots… I’ve tried Zwift Support but they gave up saying they could not replicate the problem… I’ve upgraded my phone, tried turning firewalls off, etc etc… it did allow screen shots when in Windows mode as opposed to Full Screen mode (I can’t select Windows mode now and didnt like the cropped screen anyway) … if anyone ever figures this out please post your solution… thank you
The screen shots are black on both my phone and my laptop.


This is the fix, thanks Mohamad


I’m having this same issue. Only seems to be a problem on my Windows PC. When I run Zwift on my MacBook or iPhone it saves fine. Uninstalled and reinstalled app on my PC and still black. If you deselect the stats icon it will save fine but then you don’t see the in game dashboards.

Worked for me too. Thanks!