Route Progress Bar disappeared mid ride [June 2022]

I did the chase the sun route this morning and as you turn left to go from Makuri Island to Neokyo the progress bar was no longer displayed. It happened just before the below screen shot:

Here is one from earlier to show it was there:

I hadn’t made any turns, didn’t even have the companion app open.

The same with me…

I did the chasing the sun route again and looked out for when the progress bar disappeared.

It happens when you turn left from Makuri island to Neokyo, it does disappear straight after the turn but a little later, the avatar lurches right and then left momentarily and then the progress bar is gone.

I think this is where the severe gradient change was (which seems to have been fixed now?)

I wonder if the fix for the gradient is to very quickly steer around it but this kicks you off the course you are following?

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I experienced this bug today as well. No badge for me! I’m not sure if this is related, but I was also mysteriously given a sprint jersey (I was doing a pretty steady 2.1-2.5w/kg ride, supposedly took the Railway Sprint jersey in 43.28 sec) AND I was almost 31km into the ride when I picked up the jersey, which seems crazy. It disappeared after a few seconds.

I think that is a different issue but it actually happened to me too.

I’m not someone who bothers the top of the leader boards so must be a bug I think

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Rode Wandering Flats on Makuri Islands this morning, and the massive gradient change on the dirt road between the countryside and Neokyo seems to be fixed, presumably with yesterday’s update.

However, remaining distance no longer appears on the display:

Probably the same as @Chris_Holton reported earlier

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Was it always missing or did it disappear when you went from the old island to neokyo?

yes, i had the same thing happen to me including the fix on the dirt road and countryside - the remaining distance dropped out sometime earlier in the ride

Hey all - I merged two reports of similar weirdness into this one. I’ve let the team know, and we’re looking into it.

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Same thing happened to my wife when riding this morning. Progress bar disappeared. She kept going and when she hit the end of the route, it did give her credit for the route.

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In London last night I lost the progress bar on the PC and the Ride On circle that is on the companion app.

PC Laptop
iPhone companion app
Greater London 8

I think that is probably a different issue

Any update on this?

Has anyone else experienced a drop out riding Wandering Flats in Makuri Islands just now?
At 5.5 km in, on the gravel section, the route name dropped out. I continued for a further 3 kms then stopped. I then reselected the route and the route name dropped out again at the same place.


yes I did the route yesterday and the progress bar disappears at the point you said. You can just go on riding as you do stay on the route.

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Hi Chris, did you get the route completion badge or have you ridden it before?

sorry Andrew, but i quit at 23.5 km as i don’t collect those things. I think you would as everything else on the route was ok - the sprints etc. My guess is just the progress bar disappears.

Thanks Chris, I’ll give it another go.